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Old 09-27-2012, 10:26 PM
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Bought this one a few years back, still one I pull out on a regular basis
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Old 09-27-2012, 11:15 PM
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I guess I just haven't had any luck with citizens products, IME they've never held up to even the slightest abuse...I bought the pictured Ti ecodrive 12 tears ago for about $950ish, within the first six months it stopped charging...back to the shop, another six months went by and it needed a seal on the bezel replaced...second time to the shop, the last time I had it into the shop was to replace the screws in the clasp after it fell off my wrist one day. I stopped wearing it at that time, this watch saw very little abuse. (worn for <18mo.)

On the other side of the coin, the below pictured Tissot Ti touch, has been abused extensively since I purchased it 6 years ago for the sum of about $1100. I bought it for a field watch (oilfield construction & drilling projects) and it has been ten times the watch of the citizen. This T was worn for >4 years and is still in great shape (mechanically speaking) today.

Glass box with stoney stuff and fisches...
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Old 09-27-2012, 11:27 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I had a Timex Expedition for 17 years, I only got rid of it because I used it as my work watch and the face became so scratched up that I couldn't read the time easily anymore. Even then it kept perfect time. Not a show piece but I don't know of too many cheap watches that last that long while taking lots of abuse.

I currently have a solar powered Casio Edifice that I really loved the look of but I've only had it for a little while now so I can't say how long it will last. It does keep perfect time however. My other watch is a Mickey Mouse watch that I just got at Disneyland. $17 when you bought over $35 of other stuff in the store. The watch for that price didn't have Mickey's hands telling the time but the lady at the counter let me pick out any Mickey watch I wanted for the same price, so I got the good old original!
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Old 09-27-2012, 11:43 PM
Acipenser Acipenser is offline
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I have a Wittnauer automatic that I inherited - it is an old mans watch. I got it from my grandfather 20 years ago. It just sits in a jewelry box, my wife gave me a decent seiko a couple of years ago but I have all way's wanted a Tag heuer.
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Old 09-28-2012, 03:21 AM
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Originally Posted by cale262 View Post
I guess I just haven't had any luck with citizens products, IME they've never held up to even the slightest abuse...I bought the pictured Ti ecodrive 12 tears ago for about $950ish, within the first six months it stopped charging...back to the shop, another six months went by and it needed a seal on the bezel replaced...second time to the shop, the last time I had it into the shop was to replace the screws in the clasp after it fell off my wrist one day. I stopped wearing it at that time, this watch saw very little abuse. (worn for <18mo.)

On the other side of the coin, the below pictured Tissot Ti touch, has been abused extensively since I purchased it 6 years ago for the sum of about $1100. I bought it for a field watch (oilfield construction & drilling projects) and it has been ten times the watch of the citizen. This T was worn for >4 years and is still in great shape (mechanically speaking) today.

$1100 for an oil field watch? Yowza! My work watch is a $30 timex!

160 gallon Reef, almost all SPS, a few LPS, small handfull of Zoas, and 5 clams. LOVING the upgrade (now that most of the work is done!)

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