I need a hand deciding
I am setting up my 230G tank, it is 6ft long. I can't decide on a power head,hopefully you guys can help :-) my options are:
1- 1xMP60
2- 1xtunze 6150 with controller. Or
3- 2x mp40.
So what you guys think I should go with. I want to have softies and LPS. Also if you can state the good and bad about your option will be great. Thanks.
230G, 3 X 250w MH , 4x 39w t5 , about 200lbs of LR, 2" of LS bed, 2 maroon clowns hosting a RLTA, 1 regal tang and 1 yellow tang, 1 blonde neso tang, 1 coral beauty, 2 scunk clowns hosting a GBTA, 1 midas blenny, and a mandarin gopy, 6 blue green chromis and 1 six line wrass.