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Old 07-18-2012, 07:11 AM
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Default My reef journey -Jocelyn

Hi there,
I have had a 55g for the last two years, and have done very little with it due to lack of knowledge, I stuck with what I knew. Which really, isn't much. I have managed to keep alive my Regal tang, my Blonde Naso tang, my Piccasso Clarkii clown fish & anemone, and my fav of all, my regal angel.
I have been watching and waiting for the opportunity to get a bigger tank, and I finally got one. With this new tank I have promised myself I would learn all I can, get lots of help, and make my new 120g what I originally started out wanting, a reef tank.
This is my journal of that journey.
So thrilled to have found this forum! here are some pics of the transfer process, I had to move the 120 into the same spot the 55g was, meaning I couldn't empty one into the other, I had to completly dismantle the 55 and move it, to be able to begin setting up the 120.
I had also bought new sand so the rinsing took over two hours, and the tank was still so cloudy when I set it up that all I could do was get all the rock into the new tank so I could get the fish in and get it running.. The fish where in a bucket for almost 8 hours..
Once the water cleared up the next day a bit, I was able to arrange my LR and then leave it alone for awhile!
It was looking pretty dicey there a few days, I was worried I would loose some fish, but everybody (except my bangaii cardinal who swam straight into my anemone )
I am falling asleep.. I will continue this tomorrow /)
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Old 07-18-2012, 07:22 AM
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Nice upgrade Jocelyn !!!

Can't wait to see some pics
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Old 07-18-2012, 07:40 AM
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Dang 'can't edit' feature ....
Is this a 6 foot 120g ?
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Old 07-18-2012, 12:01 PM
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Thank-you Greg
No, this one is not nearly so long, rather, it is fairly deep, and tall. I will post the parameters this eve after work and try to get the pics up
I had a 6 foot long freshwater a few years back, and I like the looks of this one much better
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Old 07-18-2012, 12:03 PM
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Haha I will try to tone down the smiley faces, but I smile most of the time in real time, I guess it's habbit to portray that, I just noticed when I went back and viewed my reply lol!
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Old 07-22-2012, 03:38 PM
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So, I finally get a chance to continue my journal! I thought I should do some back tracking with regards to the contents of my 55g that I just switched over from. My angel has been in there for a year, and my clown just under that. I waited till I was within 5-6 months of getting my new tank before I got my tangs, first the regal, then about 3 months ago the Naso. I got them quite small, and knew I would be getting a new tank before they where uncomfortable in the 55. That is why I waited so long before getting them. And other than the cardinal that I sadly lost immediately after the transfer to the anemone, those are the only fish I have had in my tank for the last year. I felt the 55 was much too small to have more.
Now that they are in the 120, they look tiny again!
Now that I have more room, I am really looking forward to adding more fish!!
I plan on trying to use J&L aquatic's display tank as my 'role model' for the my tank, I am very un-knowledgeable about corals, so I thought thT would be a good way to learn. One fellow in particular has been extremely helpful, thanks so much John! Although I have to say, everyone there is always helpful when I call.

So, back to my 120g progress!
It has been switched over for 1week and 2 days, and it has moved full on into the terribly ugly phase!! I stir my sand each morning and by the end of the day it's covered in brown algae again.. I forgot about this first few weeks cycle, bleh! I can't wait till its over!!

I currently have 4 T5HO's going, but will need to upgrade, I am planning on going to an 8 bulb set of T5HO's and once I have done that I will begin putting in corals. While I save up for the lights I will begin stocking the fish.

I will post a list of what I am planning to get, and perhaps I can get advise on that list

I use my iPhone for building this thread, and the app I use just upgraded, allowing me to post pics. I will post one and see if it actually shows up as a pic to others? Or if it comes up as a link or some such thing.

I have been busy reading other tank build threads, and I must say, mine will be quite boring by comparison! Some amazing things happening out there!! But I have a tight budget, and so will be doing this as affordably as possible. I know this hobby isn't cheap, but there is defiantly a LARGE range on how much can be spent!!

Here is a pic of my old tank beside my new tank before the transfer, if others are able to see it please let me know, so I don't post a bunch of pics and unknowingly post a bunch of links to pics instead!
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Old 07-22-2012, 03:43 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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no pic
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Old 07-22-2012, 08:14 PM
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Arg! I am sorry! I am trying to figure this out. I will keep trying till I get it!
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Old 07-22-2012, 09:21 PM
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That is the new tank beside the old tank, about to begin the dismantling of the 55 to be able to move the 120 into the same place.
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Old 07-22-2012, 09:23 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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looking good nice looking tank ya got there
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