Hi there,
I have had a 55g for the last two years, and have done very little with it due to lack of knowledge, I stuck with what I knew. Which really, isn't much. I have managed to keep alive my Regal tang, my Blonde Naso tang, my Piccasso Clarkii clown fish & anemone, and my fav of all, my regal angel.
I have been watching and waiting for the opportunity to get a bigger tank, and I finally got one. With this new tank I have promised myself I would learn all I can, get lots of help, and make my new 120g what I originally started out wanting, a reef tank.
This is my journal of that journey.
So thrilled to have found this forum!

here are some pics of the transfer process, I had to move the 120 into the same spot the 55g was, meaning I couldn't empty one into the other, I had to completly dismantle the 55 and move it, to be able to begin setting up the 120.
I had also bought new sand so the rinsing took over two hours, and the tank was still so cloudy when I set it up that all I could do was get all the rock into the new tank so I could get the fish in and get it running.. The fish where in a bucket for almost 8 hours..
Once the water cleared up the next day a bit, I was able to arrange my LR and then leave it alone for awhile!
It was looking pretty dicey there a few days, I was worried I would loose some fish, but everybody (except my bangaii cardinal who swam straight into my anemone

I am falling asleep.. I will continue this tomorrow /)