Originally Posted by gregzz4
Great to see another getting back into it.
Your Bubble Magus Nac7 choice, I feel, will be too small for your 150g w/sump. Once you add a sump to it, you may want to look at something rated 50% or more higher than your total volume, like this one ( just an example ).
For heaters, I dont' like using larger heaters due to cooking issues, but you may prefer to use titanium over glass. You may want to have your mains be a group of smaller ones, such as 4 x 200-250s. I'm basing this on 5w/g and you getting a 75g sump, so 225g total. Decide now what size you want for you 150g and you can add more later. A 200 will do it for your 45g, but you would need 4 more for the 150g. I like your idea of using a backup. I went crazy and have, with 110g total, 3 x 200watt on a RKE and 2 x 250w on a Ranco controller as backup.
Many will tell you live sand is a waste of money.
Radion is a great choice. There are others, but I have no experience to share.
Return pump selection will need to be based on the current tank, IMO.
I see you're in AB. Test your tapwater TDS and see if you need to have DI on your RO.
Hope that helps a bit. Good luck and post lots of pics 
I'm lucky enough to work with the utilities at a site near by that pulls from the lloydminster water (IE North Saskatchewan River), so I'm very intune with the TDS and when it is on the rise due to spring run off, like right now. I'll probably get the DI on the RO just because. I'm bad for those kind of things.
Good point with the NAC7 comment. I did worry about that a bit when I was looking at sizes. If I'm putting the money in pumps and lights, I might as well spread the love to the Skimmer.
Radion will be a trial. Not sure if I'm sold on the cost vs reward, ya know?
I have no idea what you could include in a dry bagged sand that makes it "live". lol, I'm just gonna try some in the 45g and see if I like more of the color and feel of it, rather than the "Beneficial bacteria in every bag!" :P