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Old 04-14-2012, 01:55 AM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
I like to solve problems
I need pumpkin brownies
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Old 04-14-2012, 01:56 AM
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Originally Posted by Borderjumper View Post
I need pumpkin brownies

Crap! I gotta go to the store....sigh
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Old 04-14-2012, 01:57 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Crap! I gotta go to the store....sigh
and do dishes
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Old 04-14-2012, 02:01 AM
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Originally Posted by Borderjumper View Post
and do dishes
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Old 04-14-2012, 02:03 AM
Borderjumper Borderjumper is offline
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Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
oh.. we wernt supposed to tell him that eh?
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Old 04-14-2012, 02:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
yes. Unless Fred is a sponsor, repeated exposure, good or bad, is not permitted. It's an advertising issue. We're allowing the group buys like we do for all suppliers. We're preventing advertising for or by non sponsors. We let it go a couple of times, but it's become excessive, and therefore removed. Nothing has been removed for opinions or any other reason other than advertising. least you are allowing group buys from a non-sponsor...I know another canadian forum that would never allow guys are lucky.
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Old 04-14-2012, 02:15 AM
jjntm jjntm is offline
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serious question tho brad and christie... if you are tired of seeing ppl ask about him and debates and so on... why not run a quick 3 day or one week poll and see statistically speaking how many ppl have had good and or bad experiences... and of which when did they order within last 6 months... 6 months to a year... 1-2yrs...3+yrs ago... sometimes it takes seeing real stats like this for some of us to realize that we were one of only a few that got the **** end of the stick or maybe it will show burc that, oh **** I need to step it up even more... and who knows... maybe can reef end up getting some more $ by gaining another sponsor again if he truly has turned it around... after all... if you were completely overwhelmed running a one (wo)man show and made some pretty big mistakes and had everyone ****ed at you, what would you do? most likely close up and avoid everything until things calmed down or run away panicing.... it's human nature when we are over whelmed... maybe burc has making up to do with some of you... but seriously... coming from a 28 yr old business owner who opened a plumbing company at the age of 25... I know what it's like to be in the shoes of 20 roles in your own company and it is hard!!!! I have since won awards for customer service values and run one of the most reputable plumbing companies in the lower mainland... it takes time to learn and many mistakes will be made along the way... but without making those mistakes how else do we learn?
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Old 04-14-2012, 02:18 AM
jjntm jjntm is offline
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But enough for me... attention now focused on the cup... GO CANUCKS GO!!!!
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Old 04-14-2012, 02:28 AM
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Here is my opinion, not related to the board. As hobbyists, we need to band together and consolidate experiences. When someone spends a lot of energy robbing people in the hobby, for and extended period of time, as hobbyists I think we should forever boycott that business. He ripped off friends and members here for a long time before he was removed. He did it on other boards. Now, suddenly, when we can save a buck or two, we forget all that bad stuff and send him bags of money, always hoping that the frags we ordered actually show up. I don't forget. I remember the people asking for help trying to recover anything they could from him. I remember the guys needed evidence for their lawyers. I remember the management nightmare we, as a board, had to endure. We stuck up for him, made excuses like maybe he has personal stuff going on, etc. But no action came at all. None. All the people that lost out, lost out for good. They don't forget.
I would like to believe that we, as hobbyists, remember on their behalf, and say no, we're not going to reward that type of vendor to save a buck. We should defend our friends and co-members, and not deal with this company.
But most don't care, they save a bunch of money on little pieces of coral bits. To hell with our friends and members that got robbed, because I can save money and get something for me.
Sorry, not me. I remember, and that company is not welcome here. If it were up to me, any mention of it would be removed. But we allow the group buys, because you're going to do it anyway, so if it receives some publicity, then we live with that in hopes that should it return to the past, we know right away.
We aren't running polls, we aren't voting on stuff. We are allowing group buys, and once in a while "advertising" threads slip through the cracks. but if we see the trend in "Yay vendor", we will take action and remove them.

That's my thoughts on it..
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Old 04-14-2012, 02:33 AM
reefan reefan is offline
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Originally Posted by jjntm View Post
serious question tho brad and christie... if you are tired of seeing ppl ask about him and debates and so on... why not run a quick 3 day or one week poll and see statistically speaking how many ppl have had good and or bad experiences... and of which when did they order within last 6 months... 6 months to a year... 1-2yrs...3+yrs ago... sometimes it takes seeing real stats like this for some of us to realize that we were one of only a few that got the **** end of the stick or maybe it will show burc that, oh **** I need to step it up even more... and who knows... maybe can reef end up getting some more $ by gaining another sponsor again if he truly has turned it around... after all... if you were completely overwhelmed running a one (wo)man show and made some pretty big mistakes and had everyone ****ed at you, what would you do? most likely close up and avoid everything until things calmed down or run away panicing.... it's human nature when we are over whelmed... maybe burc has making up to do with some of you... but seriously... coming from a 28 yr old business owner who opened a plumbing company at the age of 25... I know what it's like to be in the shoes of 20 roles in your own company and it is hard!!!! I have since won awards for customer service values and run one of the most reputable plumbing companies in the lower mainland... it takes time to learn and many mistakes will be made along the way... but without making those mistakes how else do we learn?
jjntm I find it interesting that this "pro-fragalot" thread is getting all this attention. I see by your join date that you weren't around when he was a sponsor so you probably aren't aware of all the grief before he was given the boot from Canreef. He always seems to be able to suck people in because he would be good for awhile and then not so good, then good, then really bad, etc. There is a reason Canreef pulled him as a vendor.
I think the people on this forum should support the businesses that have stayed consistent with good service & products over the years instead of always trying to jump to what seems like a better deal, especially from somebody with a well known poor track record.

Last edited by reefan; 04-14-2012 at 02:35 AM.
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