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Old 04-13-2012, 02:51 PM
Otardifus Otardifus is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Salmo B.C.
Posts: 29
Otardifus is on a distinguished road
Default new lights

salt tanks are way addictive and fresh water tanks are just a gateway tank untill ya get salted !!! LOL!
I desided to get sum led pendants buy kessil. They will replece my power compacts and T5's
one of my friends from van recomended Kessil lights.
I also ordered a reactor.

getting rid of a 3 to 6 cm layer of afro hair algea was not easy but I did it.
first I took out all the live rock one piece at a time and remouved 90% of ithe algea with my fingers. ( I hade bristel worm spines in my fingers for over 3 weeks after that )
then I put each rock in a bucket of salt water and shook the f*** out of them. there was way more detritus in them than I considered could be in them.
after all that it was still creaping back so I transfered my 55g into my 125g doing step one and two again then got 50 new hermit crabs sum new snails and started doing regular water changes.
yay water changes do work when your tank is not dirty! who knew! LOL!
After all that I should have just started a new tank in my 125 it would have bin way easyer and I will NEVER let algea get like that again!

so I learned the hard way water changes are essential
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