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Old 03-13-2012, 12:37 AM
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Wow, it's been almost 3 weeks since my last post. Time is flyin' by.
I've plumbed the Return and Chiller/UV/Chaeto pumps a couple of times.
I'm happy with the return, but the other is about to change again, so no pics.
And I've also decided to make a sump design change.
With the sock hanger after the bubble trap, it's counter-productive. It's noisy and creates bubbles.

I'm moving the Heaters to the right, and putting the Sock hanger in their place, with the Reactors hanging inside the sump in front of the Skimmer.
The overflow will go through the Skimmer chamber, down through the Socks, then up and over the Heaters as it exits the bubble trap.
I'm mostly happy with the other pump circuit, but need to re-route the Reactor circuit, so pics later.

I tried cutting the silicone out, even with a guitar string, but no go. I ordered the original glass snug enough that I couldn't get a blade through.
I ended up taping the glass, scoring it, and smacking it. It took a freakishly hard blow to break it.
Tomorrow I pick up the new glass.
I'll post a pic next week once I'm happy with the setup.

While the silicone is curing, I'm going to finally tackle the wiring.
I picked up a new Reefkeeper Elite last week and can now start all that planning etc.
If you missed it, and because I can't edit the original post ...
I originally bought a Reefkeeper Lite, but will use it on the QT as I now want more modules on the DT than I had originally planned on.

Last edited by gregzz4; 03-13-2012 at 12:39 AM.
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Old 03-22-2012, 02:14 AM
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Sigh, another disappointing post, but, on the upside, I have what I think will now be a killer sump.
Sump v2.0 didn't pan out. The baffles couldn't keep up with the pump.
So, I have yet again cut the glass out, ordered more, and cleaned up the tank.
I picked up the new pieces of glass tonight and, for the first time, my buddy Wayne @ Cando Burnaby messed up a measurement.
Another day of waiting before I can install the new pieces

I might as well show you the second plan that didn't work, and I was thinking it wouldn't as the linear overflow wasn't enough, but I had to try. Good thing the DT is still empty.
The whole idea here was to get as much 'pump' area as possible and have a small skimmer chamber while being able to have the heaters inside the bubble trap. Not an easy feat to accomplish while using an Aqueon with a center support in the way.
The whole layout has now changed, and I am really stoked about it.
I researched skimmers and have a plan now that will accomodate a Vertex Alpha 170 down the road, so onward and forward.
So here is what couldn't handle the flow. I was so disappointed I forgot to get a pic of it with the socks and heaters installed. Anyway, it'll give you an idea where the next plan is going, but without the front to back flow. And for those of you liking this layout, it will just barely handle 600gph. The sock tray was 4-3/4 x 10-1/4ish and the outflow was 4-3/4 x 7-1/4ish

Just to clarify, the new layout will have full-sized 17-1/4 baffles. It will now be ... Inlet to skimmer chamber, down through 3 x 4" socks, then up and over the heaters right before the cross-support.
Kinda-sorta like the layout in the previous post pic, but with the socks between the skimmer and the heaters.
I'll have enough room to get a mag-float in there and still retain almost 25g of pump area. Lots for water changes without turning the pump off on a 110g system.
If you've seen the earlier pics of the 'finished' plumbing, you'll appreciate what I have planned once you see it. Very tidy with lots of access to everything.
Plus, the baffles should now be able to handle almost 1200g/hr, so plenty as I'm only needing 900-1000. v2.0 could only BARELY handle 600 and it was spilling over. Man am I glad I don't need to have this system running anytime soon.
The chaeto tank is being moved to the back from the front and all the plumbing is being re-done to clean it up.
$200 in wasted glass, silicone and PVC, but hopefully I'll be happy with sump v3.0.
Stay tuned ..... time for a frosty
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Old 03-22-2012, 02:20 AM
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And to add, I'm sure everyone's becoming bored with the same updates.
Thing is, I have so much left to do that I can't get to until this damned sump is ready.
Once I get past this weeks-long hurdle, you may actually see me make some fast progress.
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Old 03-27-2012, 06:33 AM
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Alright, some progress. Sump v3.0 works
In the pics to follow, there's some split loom missing 'cause I ran out, and the final Chiller stand hasn't been made yet, but you get the idea.
Now I can start on the electrical panel.
Plus the long list of other things I won't bore you all with.
I'll only post these pics due to the edit restriction.

Last edited by gregzz4; 03-27-2012 at 06:35 AM.
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Old 03-27-2012, 04:01 PM
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Nice progress! I actually love the loom idea! Looks a lot better than clear tubing. Nice and clean.

Keep up the good work!

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Old 03-27-2012, 10:42 PM
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Sump v3.0 is awesome!

Your persistence definitely paid off.
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Old 03-27-2012, 11:50 PM
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Whoa that sump is crazy!
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Old 03-27-2012, 11:52 PM
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Whole macrel that sump got full fast! Looking good dude! Can't wait to see it all wet!
I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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Old 03-28-2012, 08:53 PM
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Thanks all.
Ya it sure got crowded fast in there. I couldn't imagine using something smaller.
The loom is supposed to block light so I don't have to clean out the hoses. Only time will tell.
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Old 03-29-2012, 04:01 AM
RDNanoGuy RDNanoGuy is offline
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How much gap is there between the loomed hoses and the filter sock holder? That could be a pain in the neck to change them when you have do it every3 days or so.
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