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Old 03-21-2012, 10:22 PM
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Default Before and after biopellet photos. How do I bring my montipora back to life?

How do these look for some before and after pictures? I tried experimenting with biopellets on and off a little bit about a year ago. At first I used the minimum recommended amount which I ceased after a month. The second time I used 1/3 of the recommended minimum amount which I also removed soon after. In each case almost immediately my soft coral bleached and some of my LPS faded in colour. These montipora faded a little bit as well but while the other species slowly recovered once I ceased using the pellets these montipora have not. They're both sort of in stasis, they aren't recovering and they haven't yet died completely.

My system is 5 years old, 240gal, lit ~8hrs daily with 250w 14K Phoenix bulbs on HQI ballasts, I do 10% weekly water changes with IO, Seachem and some Mg salts. 1 cup of carbon changed monthly and 1 cup of GFO changed every two months. Supplementing is done by Kalk and Ca Reactors. Aside from a variety of fish food no additional products are used. Nuisance algae and slime consists of valonia and a little cyano in the sand. Water chemistry is this today and only fluctuates a little bit from month to month (I keep records):
Ca 430 ppm
KH 10 dkh
Mg 1300 ppm
Nitrate and Phosphate undetectable for years with hobby grade kits
Salinity 1.025
Temperature 78 F

I'm thinking there are three things that I can do. I could retrieve some frags of these from some friends tanks and try to start over with them. I could continue the waiting game to see if what I have left will eventually recover. Or I could try some kind of bottled miracle product if someone could recommend one to me.

"We shall dive down through black abysses... and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever." - H.P. Lovecraft

Old 120gal Tank Journal
New 225gal Tank Journal
May 2010 TOTM
The 10th Annual Prince George Reef Tank Tour
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