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Old 02-27-2012, 04:31 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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I'm gonna try this first. Honestly I don't mind the grape, I just wish it didn't take over like it did. I loved the look of it. If the cuc can help at all then I will just keep up with that, otherwise I will just have to remove all the sand and LR and start over, which is what I was thinking of doing to begin with anyways, but I'm stubborn. :P
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Old 02-27-2012, 05:25 AM
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Nothing wrong with the 'look' of grape caulerpa - in fact I agree it's nice in appearance. It's the aggressively growing behavior which I'm wary of. The ability of it to choke out any rival type of macro algae as well as coral by the sheer speed and volume of its growth...Thus resulting in your need to prune them weekly.

I swear, if my macro tank was as labor intensive as your macro tank, I would have quit long ago lol. Weekly pruning of macros? Pshhh far too much work for me lol. Macro algae tanks are meant to be easier to handle and ARE easier if done the right way. Pruning in my tank is more like once every 2 months or so... at it's worst I had to do it once a month.

Just trying to make you see reason loooool. Then again, to each his or her own I suppose.

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Old 02-27-2012, 06:29 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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Yup, I didn't mind the weekly trimming. I actually like to work on my tanks. Its relaxing, but now I have a toddler and we are planning on another one and its not relaxing anymore. I just don't have as much time. I still love macro tanks, but the grape just takes over. The calupra prolifera just cant compete, although now I'm hoping it will get a foothold but we shall see how things go.

I notice that after being squished the grape calupera goes pale and dies. The only places it seems to crop up are from the tips of stems. I'm wondering about taking a brush to the whole thing and squishing the lot of it. It cant get any worse than it is now... (famous last words).
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Old 02-27-2012, 04:47 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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My shipment comes in today. YAY! I had a good look in the tank and it looks more bare than before.... hmmm A lot of the green grape is disintegrating, while others are still green. I have noticed a few stem tips are starting to grow so I will rip those out today and squish the rest of the stem that I can see. I dunno what is going on, but I like it .
Even my calpura prolifera is melting. Which I don't like but, focus right now is to get corals back to health and get grape back to a manageable state or gone.
My frogspawn is puffing up very nicely and my candycane is very puffy again Needs some time to heal itself and cover the exposed skeleton. I didnt see any feeders come out but when I do I will give it some num nums.
Next week I think im going to stir the sandbed like crazy and do another 50% WC. Im thinking that helped out quite a bit.
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Old 02-27-2012, 10:48 PM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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Delayed... boo. I don't get it until tomorrow night.
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Old 02-29-2012, 05:41 AM
skabooya skabooya is offline
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GOT MY SHIPMENT!!! Everything looks good, we shall see how things go.
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Old 02-29-2012, 06:32 AM
msjboy msjboy is offline
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What gorgs did get? Picts plz.

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