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Old 01-26-2012, 02:25 AM
milkton milkton is offline
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Default FS: green bubble tip with pink tips anemone

Hey guys, my gbta split a while ago... this is a clone and ive been housing this guy for like 3 months.. it had ALOT more green before... not sure wat happened.

its about 3.5 inches fully inflated and it lodged itself in a ball sized galaxy skeleton, u can cut it smaller if u want... anemone and skeleton its attached for $30 i can meet at joyce station, send pm. thanks.

ps. just noticed, its tiny but there is still some part of the remaining galaxy thats alive, its on the top of the skeleton.
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Old 01-26-2012, 02:51 AM
Acipenser Acipenser is offline
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Im not an expert but it looks like the symbiotic algae is gone !
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Old 01-26-2012, 05:23 AM
milkton milkton is offline
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ahh i think you might be right.. probably the result of no water changes the past month got lazy.,.

im sure the zooanthellae will regenerate over time if someone is willing to give it a bit more care and like i said its a clone of a CLONE of a gbta i got from another reefer on canreef so it must be extremely hardy :P.
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Old 01-26-2012, 06:16 AM
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Once an anemone loses all it zooxanthallae it doesn't usually have much of a chance. Sorry for the bad news. You may try feeding it 2-3 times a week to nurse it back to health.

I'd suggest you try that before selling it, the move may be too much for it and it'll just die in someone's tank and kill some other inhabitants along with it.
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Old 01-26-2012, 09:28 PM
BlazingArrow BlazingArrow is offline
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Agreed. My RBTA did the same thing, I believe due to a temperature swing. so maybe check your temp throughout the day. Good news, my rbta came back fully within a few months, wth regular feeding. They really like silversides. All the best
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Old 01-27-2012, 04:22 AM
milkton milkton is offline
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srry reefie but i have to disagree based on my personal experiences, i brought back many anemones easily once i keep them regularly fed. maybe it was just your tank that couldnt properly house an anemone?

I have to admit though, that feeding helps alot and usually when i feed, they make bubbles for the next few days.

anywho.. i doubt anyone would want a perfectly healthy specimen now that it has been bashed around and talked about losing all of its zooanthellae when first, IF it has no zooanthellae it would be completely white and second, this guy has been in my tank since (like i said) the past 3 months and continues to grow. No point in bumping this thread now, but its still up for sale for the people who have actually successfully kept bubble tips .
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Old 01-27-2012, 08:26 AM
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I actually have 3 BTA's in my tank at the moment, all of which are thriving. I research thoroughly before making the plunge into buying an animal. I've only lost one BTA so far, and that was my fault for moving it to another tank in my house without properly acclimating it to it's new home. The new tank had WAY more light than a BTA needs or likes, and it couldn't find a spot where it could be happy. I let it move around for weeks, it either was too much light or too much flow.

Anyhow, like I said in my previous post. Nurse it back to good health by feeding it 2-3 times a week BEFORE you sell it. The move from your tank to its new home may cause too much stress for the animal, and eventually killing it and it's new tankmates.
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