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Old 01-24-2012, 03:38 PM
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pscott99 pscott99 is offline
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Ouch so sad for you, especially since you have a controller. I am curious since I just got a reefkeeper lite. Mine says I am only drawing 1amp on each power bar so 2amps total. Isn't it odd that the gfi's tripped ? You may want to check your circuit load ? I'm not an electrician but just hoping you never have it happen again.
28gal reef tank
nov 2010
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Old 01-24-2012, 04:46 PM
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Lampshade Lampshade is offline
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I found one of the reasons why the GFCI tripped, my under the sump circuit has a refugium light that sits on top of the tank. there was enough salt creep over the 12 hours to short the sockets. they weren't in the water, but close, and the case was very close. I found this out when it tripped when they where coming on last night. This was probably bound to happen some day, and the outage just sped it up a little.

The other circuit has 2x250W halides and 1 400W ballast plugged in, and MH ballasts are notorious for false trips on big start-ups, so imagine that's why my second tripped.

Thanks all for the help, it looks like everything's going to pull through. My SPS has all the polyps out, seems happy. A couple LPS still seem a little sketchy, but should all make it. A few snails that where on their back and looked dead dead are now out and about, so I'm starting to wonder if inverts will go into a hibernation mode if the temp gets cold. Perhaps I threw out live shrimp? they didn't show signs of life... but neither did a bunch of crab's/snails that seem to be fine now.
My 150 In Wall Build
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