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Old 09-01-2011, 01:20 AM
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sorry, got my Nikon back so got to take 2 more decent shots!

120 Gallon Reef With 2 overflows and 35 Gallon Sump. Mag 18 on the Return. Lit by Aqua Light Pro Deluxe. Super Reef Octopus 2000 Skimmer. 81 # LR
28 Gallon Top Down Display Mixed Reef. Radios Pro With TIR Lens Kit
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Old 09-01-2011, 07:08 AM
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That looks friggin awesome!!!! Like the rock work!! cant wait to see those zoas cover the rocks.
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Old 09-08-2011, 01:09 PM
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Thanks! We are pretty excited about it. Last night we ordered this moonlight too.

Now we need some suggestions for a clean up crew. Keep in mind it's only 6 gallons, bare bottom, and I dont want to be picking up knocked over frags every 5 minutes either
120 Gallon Reef With 2 overflows and 35 Gallon Sump. Mag 18 on the Return. Lit by Aqua Light Pro Deluxe. Super Reef Octopus 2000 Skimmer. 81 # LR
28 Gallon Top Down Display Mixed Reef. Radios Pro With TIR Lens Kit
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Old 09-08-2011, 01:34 PM
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Looks good Eric. You need the SWC led light fixture I purchased for it originally. . No overheating then.

With the bare bottom, I would say just snails are required. Dont recall the name but the turbo,s that flip themselves over is the way to go, IMO. They have the black feet. Keep my 20g fairly clean.

I have some red scarlets and they pick at stuff but I dont think contribute much in the clean up way. I believe I still have some that are well over 5 or 6 yrs old though. I also have a couple smaller emeralds to help with the {Mikey bubble algae}, . Dont think they do to much either.

My best clean up item is the siphon hose on water change day, both for the bare bottom and crap/algae on the rock.
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Old 09-08-2011, 02:12 PM
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Thanks Doug. I have heard mixed stories about L.E.D and zoas. I have heard good things and I have also heard that zoas don't do as well under L.E.D. I would love to run them just for the light balance adjustability but don't know if it's a good move for the tank or not. With the halide, we actually only see a 1 degree bump through the whole day (from 78 in the morning to 79 when the light goes out) the temperature isn't nearly as up and down as I thought it would be
120 Gallon Reef With 2 overflows and 35 Gallon Sump. Mag 18 on the Return. Lit by Aqua Light Pro Deluxe. Super Reef Octopus 2000 Skimmer. 81 # LR
28 Gallon Top Down Display Mixed Reef. Radios Pro With TIR Lens Kit
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Old 09-18-2011, 05:34 PM
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alright we took a few new pics of a couple of the frags. and a fts. we are waiting on a frag of tubs blues, blue hornets, and darth maul zoas that we should be getting in a couple weeks! and we also got a pic of the little cardinals now that they are big enough to take a picture of (about the size of a zoa!)

120 Gallon Reef With 2 overflows and 35 Gallon Sump. Mag 18 on the Return. Lit by Aqua Light Pro Deluxe. Super Reef Octopus 2000 Skimmer. 81 # LR
28 Gallon Top Down Display Mixed Reef. Radios Pro With TIR Lens Kit
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Old 09-18-2011, 10:09 PM
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Great looking little tank. Love the cardinals! I used to have one tiny like that, he grew into a big lug that was so picky about what he ate Great collection of zoos also.
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Old 09-21-2011, 03:18 AM
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thanks christy!
after the tank running for about a month, we noticed that the filter wasnt as wide as the water column so it wasnt filtering all the water.
here is what the flow looked like. notice how a fairly large amount is passing by the right side?

stock filter out.

so i cut 3 of these for "levels" for the new filter

then i used an 80 tooth saw blade on the table saw and cut some acrylic

here is the acrylic weld i used

so i built it 3 sided, so i can put the media in the open side, and the outside wall of the tank acts like the 4th side. here it is

and here it is with filter floss in the top, carbon in the middle (waiting on chemi-pure for 3rd chamber)

and here it is in action

notice how the whole water collumn is going into it now! it actually cleared up the water after a water change about twice as fast. let me know what you guys think
120 Gallon Reef With 2 overflows and 35 Gallon Sump. Mag 18 on the Return. Lit by Aqua Light Pro Deluxe. Super Reef Octopus 2000 Skimmer. 81 # LR
28 Gallon Top Down Display Mixed Reef. Radios Pro With TIR Lens Kit
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Old 11-17-2011, 12:48 PM
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Small update. We got some new zoas in the tank and re scaped it. Here are some pics!




Joker zoas

Swamp gas and Eagle eye


What do you guys think
120 Gallon Reef With 2 overflows and 35 Gallon Sump. Mag 18 on the Return. Lit by Aqua Light Pro Deluxe. Super Reef Octopus 2000 Skimmer. 81 # LR
28 Gallon Top Down Display Mixed Reef. Radios Pro With TIR Lens Kit
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Old 12-15-2011, 07:40 PM
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Hi! I had to say that your the first other person I have came across with the exact same nano tank as me! I actually have two! One of these smaller ones and one of the 25 gallon nano's. Incase you didn't know they are now discontinued but were made by reef octopus and had matching stand originally! I had this 6g nano with the matching stand and canopy! I've had the tank cycling for a few weeks now but I've had the 25g for about 10 months. I LOVE your filter mod btw! These tanks are amazing with the built in ato!

I will post some pics for comparison! I use a mp10 in mine and a aqua illumination sol nano led light.
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