Originally Posted by naesco
Cale for many years every LFS had Moorish Idol in their stores. It was when reefers got educated and basically boycotted buying them when importing stopped. It was tough to see these fish slowly decline and suffer and die in the LFS but than the LFS stopped ordering them.
I agree with you. Keep it and do the best that you can.
Codfather your recommendation which leads reefers especially newbies to buy Moorish Idol is totally irresponsible. This fish is virtually impossible to keep.
I don't recall recommending anything to a noobie. What I said was if you research, you will have success. Through research you will find that this is not a beginner fish and it needs special conditions. If you can meet those conditions, you'll have success. If you can't figure that out, you probably won't have any success at this hobby.
Sorry Brian for hijacking your thread. I get tired of hearing the same thing over and over. I think it's great that you have an active idol, they are as far as im concerned one of the most beautiful fish you can get.