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Old 07-12-2011, 04:39 AM
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Default Boomboy's Comeback Tank

Hey guys

its been a while for me, maybe not as long as others, but i think around 2 years that i got out of the game, (feels like forever to me). Anyways Might as well tell the story as to why im getting back into it. I am renovating our basement and am almost finished, the thing is i need projects in order to not go insane in the long winter days in edmonton.

So i suggested that i start a new tank, and she was all for it. WOOT! ( for the married people having the wife behind the tank helps )

So i actually havent even ordered the tank and the reason for that is I would like everyone's help in some of the decision i have to make that im not sure about anymore since ive been out for a bit.


Stock Plans - Full reef from lps,sps, zoas, brains, and of course fish.

Tank - CHANGED 36"x24"wide x 18" tall (wife didnt want me spending tons of money on a new light for the 6ft tank.

Lighting - t5's 3ft 6 bulbs.

Skimmer - Vertex 100 in sump ( currently have)

Return Pump - will either be a new pump or my current QO4000H

Powerheads- Not sure yet need suggestions

I currently have a all the live rock and will buy sand once im ready, i will be building my own stand.

Few questions.

1. Where is the best place to get a custom tank considering both quality and price, for both tank and sump together. would even consider going to calgary if worth it.

2. Ive run into the problem of where to bring out my return pump as i would like the flow on the other end of the tank so water cycles properly.

3. run into the problem of placing powerheads as i dont want wires and cords all over the place as i want to keep the tank as clean looking as possible. Ive thought about just one powerhead ( just on the end of the glass to create most of the flow but on the pricey end. i also would consider doing a closed loop if that was the only cheaper way of keeping the build clean. but then where do i put the exits on the CL.

4. ive never had t5's before and was wondering on bulb selection because i will probably only have one shot to get it right the first time, with changes later down the road ( i would like to get the right colour the first time) ( i also prefer towards the bluer side slightly)

5. What is the best cheapest ro/di unit out there, since i think i need one as i dont want to hull 5G jugs around.

6. Salt selection is pretty important i think when it comes to having a reef. are there any new salts out there that are good both price wise and balance wise?

7. Flow through tank - i forget what kind of flow is needed in this kind of tank. both through the sump and in the tank.

8. Last question i swear Sump Designs- i want to put a refugium in the sump but not sure if just putting it off to the side or having all the water just flow over it works best. pretty much still working on the entire design for the sump so suggestions welcome.

I obviously understand that people will have different opinions but i would like to hear them. Ive got the entire summer to build this thing but would like to start early because i know how long it takes for everything to settle down and actually get things in the tank.

The only things i would like to stay is the length of tank and probably keeping the overflow down on one end. Also want to keep the tank looking as clean as possible. Im very handy so DIY ideas are welcome as long as they look good, i dont mind spending money on things if i cant produce the same look, but if looks dont matter ( hidden) then to save a few bucks i would do it.

Thanks to the people that actually read the whole way down and Thanks to the ones who take the time and reply. I might as well put one picture to where we are at with the renos, the next stages go by so fast once we are done with the mudding and sanding it. The room is alot bigger than it looks. Its a 17 x 11 ft room ( the door is super wide making the room seem smaller in the picture)

Last edited by Boomboy; 07-19-2011 at 10:52 PM.
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Old 07-12-2011, 04:49 AM
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Wanted to put in pictures of my other tanks in the past.

JUST FOR THE FUN and to make this thread not so boring.


which now looks like this.

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Old 07-12-2011, 04:49 AM
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Check out concept aquatics in calgary the nicest tanks i have ever seen and he can set you up with more equipment than you will ever need.
360 gallon sps reef, 180 gal sump, bubble king supermarine 300, 4xmp40Wes, 2 x 6215 tunze waveboxes, 4 ghl mitras

360 Reef Tank
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Old 07-17-2011, 11:12 PM
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well the thing that was keeping me from starting the tank is finally done.


Also the wife wanted me to cut down on some of the cost. so i wont be getting a 6' x 18"x 18" anymore. probably be getting 36x24x18H. still gonna be running t5's with a 6 bulb.

does anyone think that with 6 bulbs i could put sps anywhere in the tank or only at the top?

Thanks BlueTang i gave them a quick email, gonna be talking to them about it in the next couple of days to work out the details.
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Old 07-18-2011, 08:29 PM
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Welcome back!

You did a nice job on the basement, a tank should look right at home down there.
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Old 07-18-2011, 08:40 PM
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You'll be fine with 6 bulbs. Should be anywhere in the tank. I was running a 36x21x18 with 6xt5ho and was growing everything... maxima clams, and sps included at all depths of the tank.

BTW... if you're looking for a good used light that I no longer need, I have a 36" aquaticlife 6xt5ho for sale. Built in timers and all. $250 now, or $200 in a month or 2. Let me know if you're interested.

160 gallon Reef, almost all SPS, a few LPS, small handfull of Zoas, and 5 clams. LOVING the upgrade (now that most of the work is done!)

My tank Journal:
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Old 07-18-2011, 09:23 PM
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One suggestion I'd make is to try and go for a 24" wide rather than 18". For a peninsula tank. 18" will be very narrow and it'll be a pain to aquascape. You need to leave some room room for coral to grow and fish to swim on either side of the tank which won't leave a lot of room in the middle for an aquascape. 18" certainly is doable but I guarantee you will wish it was 24" down the road :-) If you can swing it, mind as well do it now. I speak from personal experience of having had both an 18" and 24" wide pen tank.
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Old 07-26-2011, 02:05 PM
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I have 6 t5s and 2 of them are Fiji purples. I like it and most people that come over like the Colour. I think it's all personal preference.
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Old 07-26-2011, 04:39 PM
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ive never run t5's so its a first for me, ive seen tanks with them and think i will like them. the whole bulb configuration i know is a personal preference thing, but since ive never had them i havent had the opportunity to try out different bulb configurations. hopefully i get it close enough on the first try, if not i will just have to buy one bulb.
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