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Old 07-06-2011, 12:34 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by jhoepopoy View Post
yes i believe......

amen brother zombies dont scare me im ready for em i got my ice cream cone and a bee on a stick hahah id like to see a zombie try to tell me i cant have coffee
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Old 07-06-2011, 01:48 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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heres some more scientific facts most people dont know about zombies:

1)a zombie can count to to ten but doesnt like the number 3
2)a zombie will eat marshmellows but not smores
3)if your bitten by a zombie penicillon will do you no good
4) zombies like to drink but dont get hungover
5)a zombie rarely flushes the toilet and almost always leaves the seat up
6)zombies never file income tax
7)zombies can rhyme
8)zombies dont care much for politics
9)zombies love netflix
10)a zombie carries a wireless signal with him at all times
11)if you push a zombie he may push back
12)zombies dont get addicted to ciggarettes
13)zombies need coffee in the morning or they have a bad day
14)again zombies dont like ice cream cones
15)zombies see only the colours purple and peach
16)zombies are asexual
17)a zombie never gets mad and rarely gets even
18)99.9 percent of all liberals are zombies
19)george bush once partied with a zombie
20)zombies dont get the flu but are prone to hoof and mouth disease not to mention flesh eating disease
21)every member of nickelback is a zombie

well there you have it some more scientific facts that could save your life incase there was ever an outbreak and zombies came for you!!

we here at the institute are constantly conducting random test to find out the ultimate weapon against this horrible race but we need your support if theres any facts that you know that we havent discovered pls post them here for the public to see.

best of luck in your battles

national association of zombie intelligence

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Old 07-06-2011, 02:32 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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All this zombie stuff is nonsense. Everyone knows that there is no such thing as zombies because as soon as the werewolves smell the rotten flesh they eat them. Sheesh, just because this is the lounge section doesn't mean that hard drive space should be wasted on ficticious things like zombies when werewolves are a real threat! And don't get lulled into a false sense on security when the moon's not full!
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Old 07-06-2011, 02:39 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
All this zombie stuff is nonsense. Everyone knows that there is no such thing as zombies because as soon as the werewolves smell the rotten flesh they eat them. Sheesh, just because this is the lounge section doesn't mean that hard drive space should be wasted on ficticious things like zombies when werewolves are a real threat! And don't get lulled into a false sense on security when the moon's not full!

true true but then when the werewolves eat the zombie flesh wouldnt they become zombie werewolves?? now thats a scary thought besides a silver bullet kills a werewolf or simply no moon zombies are out all the time and in a crowd infection spreads quick
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Old 12-23-2011, 04:54 PM
RuGlu6 RuGlu6 is offline
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I would say it's too much coffee, until just two days ago i red these two short books from Steven Quayle
Talking about too much coffee he also presents a lot of hard to believe material about giants

Here is the first free book about zombies only 16 pages in pdf

Second book is also small, but more scientific believe it or not with some good references, was fun to read nevertheless.
You will not find his books anywhere on the web except from his web site

I would put these books in to far out there, crazy staff category LOL,
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Old 12-23-2011, 05:04 PM
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I'm not 'fallow' you must be talking about my tank!
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