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Old 06-14-2011, 03:01 PM
Jex Jex is offline
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Default My first sw tank Journal - 90 gal

Hello everyone,

My name is Jesse and I am new to the fish keeping hobby. I am in Calgary, AB.

That being said I like it so far and am having fun with them and it.

The purpose of this thread is to get advice and opinions. Also to keep track of my gear, expensing, habits, and a full detailed list of what is going on with my saltwater tank for trouble shooting.

I bought a used tank and assorted gear, second hand from a guy who shut his tank down due to not having enough time to keep them anymore. He had already sold all his fish and live rock, two years ago, and had his hardware in the garage for 2 years sitting waiting to put it back together.
I got his hardware on Thursday, June 9 2011.

The hardware:
-DOC skimmer 9002[predid]=-infoxunter050
-Hydor Koralia Evolution 750 GPH model
-90 gallon tank with cover and standard light
-A second power head, no brand or name on the pump.
-A bag of seashell
-nitrite test kit
-nitrate test kit
-Container of activated carbon
-idiot's guide to saltwater aquariums
-Epo jager 200w heater
Total $300

I also knew he had no stand or salt, both of which I need.
-stand for $170 plus tax
-160 gallons worth of salt for $47 plus tax
Total $227.85

I set up the tank late that Thursday and filled with tap water to hydro test it. Looked good.

I added tap water conditioner. Let sit over night.

Friday morning, I added salt and mixed it up. I went to work left the heater and power heads running to mix up the solution.
After work the tank was at running temperature and I finished adding/adjusting salt level to proper specific gravity.

Tested saturday I have some ammonia in the tank, looks like it is from the conditioner.

Saturday meet with a fellow to buy some live rock. Very nice guy with a crazy setup. He has a 160 gallon, FOWLR setup. Lots of nice looking fish, very healthy. His sump and res for his big display tank is almost the same size as the display tank. Odd positioning in his house in my opinion though. Why put a giant tank in your basement hallway?
He pointed out his 4thousand dollar lights for his fowlr tank, yikes. Quite the set up, he has R/O water treatment, 3 back up tanks. The backup tank with a sump is the one that has the live rock he wants to sell.
His live rock that he wants to sell looks great, the only problem is it has stuff on all of it, Mushrooms, snails, hermit crabs, sponges, etc and he wants more money for the extras.
I end up getting 50 pounds of live rock.
-50 pounds of live rock
-Lots of mushrooms, the good ones
-giant snail
-hermit crab
-a bubble-tip anemone
-sponge or 2
-live water
Total $300

He has a very nice looking pair of Clowns, he will hold for me. They look very healthy and are a mated pair.
Saturday, June 11 2011 added all that to the tank.

My crappy light isn't enough for the anemone and the mushrooms, the mushrooms changed to greenish blue and the anemone closed up.
I went and bought a new light and some frozen shrimp.
-Marineland Reef Capable LED Lighting Systems, the 36'-48' one
Total $418

After turning on the light the mushrooms and the anemone look better. The anemone is opening up and the mushrooms are changing back to a very light maroon color.

Then I meet with another fellow, he was tearing down his tank. 2 weeks ago his last fish had died. This fish had killed all of his other fish.
He is done with the saltwater hobby. Has a daugther, a cat, a bird, a frog, and a dog. Going to change his tank to a reptile tank.
His rock isn't as good looking. But no visible algae or other major problems. No smell to it.
I got the following from him:
-50 pounds of live rock
-Hydor Koralia Evolution 850 gph model
-rena filstar xp3 canister
-reef additives, calcuim
-half a bag of reef crystals
-a some of shells he had in his tank
-live water
Total $225

Set up his rock in the tank.

I set up his filter too.

Noticed there his rock had a feather duster on it and there is a bristle worm in there now
Ideas of catching and removing bristle worms?

Sunday, I feed that anemone the frozen shrimp. He gobbles them up.
Then bought sand.
-30 pounds of sand
-20 pounds of live sand
Total $70

Adding sand has clouded up my tank.

Read more about the canister filter and saltwater tanks. I wasn't planning on buying one, but his was super cheap. I figured I couldn't say no to that price. Online people are saying they are nitrate factories. It has ran for about 18 hours, I figured it would help make everything go live. Because it must be packed with life. I decided it needs to be gutted before it kills my tank.
When I open it up and start cleaning, sure enough it is disgusting. I toss all his media and scrub down the inside using freshwater, not soap or tap water. I will replace the media and then hook it back up on Monday.

After doing some research, I went and grabbed a UV sterilizer and a bunch of replacement media for my canister filter. The reviews on the UV sterilizer were just too glowing.
UV filter 180
new media 100(more than the guy charged for unit)
Total $280

I will need to look at finding cheap activated carbon bags and such.

Lets see where I am at:
Spent $1820.85 so far... and 35 bucks to get the pair of clowns.

Yikes what an expensive weekend, worse than when I use to go out partying. Upgrading the skimmer will have to wait for another paycheck.

Objective add fish on Wednesday.
I am getting some clowns, nice and healthy.
What are other good fish to get for a beginner SW? And are reef/invert safe?

Any advice, thoughts, opinions are welcome and appreciated.
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Old 06-14-2011, 04:34 PM
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Maybe wait a couple weeks for stable params before adding fish? During transportation there may have been die-off in the LR. Also the sand is all new so there won't be any beneficial life in it yet...

You don't want a mini-cycle to happen and toast your $35 clowns...
Tank Journal Thread
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Old 06-15-2011, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by cwatkins View Post
Maybe wait a couple weeks for stable params before adding fish? During transportation there may have been die-off in the LR. Also the sand is all new so there won't be any beneficial life in it yet...

You don't want a mini-cycle to happen and toast your $35 clowns...
Welcome, sounds like you are having too much fun.

Agree with cwatkins, what are your tank parameters. Any more ammonia and they are toast. Slow and steady as they say. Post some pics too !!
28gal reef tank
nov 2010
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Old 06-15-2011, 05:58 PM
Jex Jex is offline
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Hey, thanks for the advice.

The tank looks good. I will post some pictures in a bit.

I used 20lbs of live sand and 30 lbs of dead sand. The dead sand was added first then covered with live sand. So not completely all dead sand.
From my researching, using full live sand sounded like a waste of money.

Lets see, haven't bought any fish yet.

Not sure now. As the mushrooms have changed a bit. Some of the small ones look dried up. Others look good. And now this morning some have
green little spots on the edges.

Reading on the mushrooms sound like they will have an adjustment period for new lighting and new water conditions.
Also they like iodine and other reef additives?
I realize when I used Instant Ocean salt, instead of reef crystals that my water is probably a bit low on the good stuff reefs like. I wasn't planning on getting mushrooms or anemones off the start, but the guy had shrooms all over his live rock. And basically threw in the anemone.

So did a 10g water change with some additives and reef crystal mix. Additives used as directed on the bottles:
Kent marine, Stronium & Molybdenum
SeaChem Reef Advantage Calcium Additive

I retested ammonia it is around 0.5. That actually what it was on Saturday.
I am use to fresh water, so I surprised to see any color change when testing. Looks like 0.5 is acceptable for saltwater?

I am thinking about getting a Kaltwasser Additive and perhaps an Iodine?
Also Alkalinity, phosphate, maybe calcium tester?
Not sure if they are necessary.

Also I am unhappy to say the worms are multiplying right before my eyes even, the cheeky buggers.
I pulled out 3 full ones and a bunch of halves.
I realize they aren't that bad, but I didn't go saltwater to have a worm colony. Would love to get something to that eats them.
But I agree on waiting before adding much.....although I want something to hunt the little buggers, so I don't have to.

What are additives that should be used for an anemone and mushroom anemones?

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Old 06-15-2011, 08:23 PM
Rogue951 Rogue951 is offline
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Some things I see offhand.
UV sterilizer is unecessary in a reef tank as it kills plankton etc in the watercolumn that corals may feed on.
In a FOWLR tank it may help with parasites.

The Tunze 9002 skimmer is a nano skimmer rated for MAX 52 gals, in my experience it should not be used in a tank bigger than 40gal reef.
You should look into a solid unit like a deltec hang on.

Leave the bristle worms. They are more benefit than nusance. Unless they're huge like the thickness of your finger.
They clean up any leftover food and crap.

Since you have next to no corals in the tank I would stop dosing anything until your parameters have stabilized. You're just wasting the additives.
Your anenome and Mushrooms don't need any additives.

You should also look into RO/DI unit or atleast a TDS meter first to check your water. If I remember correctly calgary's water usually has a high TDS count.
(Vancouver's is around 14-16ppm where I am.)

Good luck in your journey.
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Old 06-15-2011, 11:10 PM
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Welcome to Canreef.

Have a look at our reference library if you wish. Lots of great articles.

Your readings for ammonia & nitrites should be back to zero before adding any livestock.
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Old 06-15-2011, 11:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Rogue951 View Post
Some things I see offhand.
UV sterilizer is unecessary in a reef tank as it kills plankton etc in the watercolumn that corals may feed on.
In a FOWLR tank it may help with parasites.

The Tunze 9002 skimmer is a nano skimmer rated for MAX 52 gals, in my experience it should not be used in a tank bigger than 40gal reef.
You should look into a solid unit like a deltec hang on.

Leave the bristle worms. They are more benefit than nusance. Unless they're huge like the thickness of your finger.
They clean up any leftover food and crap.

Since you have next to no corals in the tank I would stop dosing anything until your parameters have stabilized. You're just wasting the additives.
Your anenome and Mushrooms don't need any additives.

You should also look into RO/DI unit or atleast a TDS meter first to check your water. If I remember correctly calgary's water usually has a high TDS count.
(Vancouver's is around 14-16ppm where I am.)

Good luck in your journey.
+ 1 for good advise. Ditch that skimmer, leave the bristleworms as they do more good than harm, stop dosing at this time, get an RO/DI unit and don't worry about a UV sterilizer.

They call it addiction for a reason...
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Old 06-16-2011, 12:39 AM
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Calgary's water is around 150 TDS. RO/DI is essential.

Following along.
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