92 Gallon corner reef tank, sump, equipment and livestock for sale
92 Gallon corner reef tank, sump, equipment and livestock for sale.
Includes everything:
120 pounds of live rock, 30 gallon sump, Hydor in sump skimmer, Phosban reactor, all pumps, Sump lighting, Tunze auto water top off, 250 watt Metal Halide lamp, 192 Watt compact fluorescent Aquatic Life lamp with built in timers and LED night light, Tunze multi-controller with 2 Tunzie 6105 powerheads. All Corals and Livestock also included.
2 Black ocelaris clowns, Achilles Tang, Cleaner wrasse, 6 line wrasse, neon cleaner goby, engineer goby, lawnmower blenny, Tube anemone, coral banded shrimp, fire shrimp, 2 cleaner shrimp, pistol shrimp, sand sifting goby, sand eel, blue Tang, blue sponge, birds nest coral, Australian elegance coral, Pagoda cup, Brain Coral, Pulsing Xenia, 10 other types of colorful sps coral, 3 types of lps coral, and other soft corals, Frag Rack, etc. . . All livestock is healthy and thriving and can be fraged for sale.
Also included is a 6 stage RODI system, 2 Large pails of salt for water changes, 4 extra filters, all equipment for water changes, large pail of extra carbon, All water test kits and More.
All equipment and livestock is worth over $8,000.00
Asking $2,900.00. obo If sold all together
Just and our second baby and dont have time for the hobby anymore.
Last edited by Harpoon; 03-05-2012 at 05:12 PM.