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Old 03-26-2011, 12:39 AM
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maybe we should petition for having a license for having kids...
I think licensing us before we go out and and do some shopping for food would be a good idea as well.
I mean us poor ignorant people might go and buy junk food...and that is bad for us and our family.
we could go look at what we want one week, do research then go buy the food the next week...
regardless of what we do, there is always going to be people who don't make the right choice.
the problem is that once you start making rules to regulate the stupid ones, the smart ones get thrown in the mix.
less government thanks..
look at the fiasco with a gun registry...can you imagine what it would be like for a dog??? would be in the trillions....
hey, at least when the gestapo police come to enforce the law, they will able to look up at whether or not you have a killer chihauhau registered.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 03-26-2011 at 12:41 AM.
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Old 03-26-2011, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by howdy20012002 View Post
maybe we should petition for having a license for having kids...
I think licensing us before we go out and and do some shopping for food would be a good idea as well.
I mean us poor ignorant people might go and buy junk food...and that is bad for us and our family.
we could go look at what we want one week, do research then go buy the food the next week...
regardless of what we do, there is always going to be people who don't make the right choice.
the problem is that once you start making rules to regulate the stupid ones, the smart ones get thrown in the mix.
less government thanks..
look at the fiasco with a gun registry...can you imagine what it would be like for a dog??? would be in the trillions....
hey, at least when the gestapo police come to enforce the law, they will able to look up at whether or not you have a killer chihauhau registered.
Trouble is when stupid people make the wrong choice it's those of whose who behave appropriately that end up paying the price.

A dog registry already exists, managed by your local town/city council when you buy dog tags for the year.

You're an admitted backyard breeder, what's your solution to stray dogs and overcrowded pounds and shelters?
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Old 03-26-2011, 01:28 AM
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I meant where people had to take a course of education like was suggested and is currently required for a firearm....that is what I personally think would be over the top for getting a pet.
I am of the opinion that we should have the right to buy things that I want to buy as long as it is something legal and doesn't affect the rights of other people.
I don't know what to suggest for the large numbers of strays and overcrowding. obviously it is not a great situation...I just know that I don't agree with being told that I can't buy a dog from someone that I want to buy a dog from...and I will continue to breed my dogs.

We kill millions of animals a year in North america alone for food. Pigs have been proven to be smarter than dogs, yet we will kill how many a day? were is their justice?
I am not saying that we should slaughter dogs, I am just trying to say that we do things that aren't in the best interest of animals all the time. why do stray dogs have more rights than a pig or a cow?

if you don't think that passing laws that restricts the sale of things won't lead to other things,
just look at the US and the fact that they are looking at passing legislation forbiding any sale of any non-native specie of animal.

on another note,
I do have to say it is interesting that, at times, a bunch of dogs gets alot more media than a bunch of kids that are dying in a third world country. you don't see too many planeloads of orphaned kids who are dying of starvation and disease being flown over from africa for adoption. while, just week, a planeload of dogs just arrived in edmonton...
how many kids died in the time it took us to write these messages?
just a thought.
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP

Last edited by howdy20012002; 03-26-2011 at 02:35 AM.
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Old 03-26-2011, 04:12 AM
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Donate to the kids then, if that is your thing !

Nothing wrong with that!

Seriously, I'm glad it aroused some interest for discussion.

Obviously, a fish forum has few people who understand what responsible dog breeding is all about,especially in Alberta, lol.. (although I thank those that are here. )

Remember, when you buy your next best friend, where that dog comes from matters. It can be a 10-15 year investment.

ETA: I am very involved in breed rescue, so that is different as well. I truly believe in don't shop, adopt. I have two rescues.

However, when buying a purebreed puppy, the breeder is very important. A good one will be your lifeline for the life of the dog. And they aren't in it for the money, as there is none to be made after showing a dog to championship ( to ensure breed standard) health testing for that breed, etc. These breeders breed for the best possible mating, not because they have a male and female in the house.

My rescues didn't come from reputable breeders. Their vet bills exceed $15k over the time they have been here.

Last edited by EmilyB; 03-26-2011 at 04:24 AM. Reason: Added
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Old 03-26-2011, 04:32 AM
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Originally Posted by howdy20012002 View Post
I meant where people had to take a course of education like was suggested and is currently required for a firearm....that is what I personally think would be over the top for getting a pet.
I am of the opinion that we should have the right to buy things that I want to buy as long as it is something legal and doesn't affect the rights of other people.
If you want to commit to dog ownership, how is an educational course a bad thing? When buying a dog or cat, you are accepting responsibility for their life. A minimum standard of owner knowledge is hardly unreasonable. It takes a lot more knowledge to care for and raise an animal than it does to know enough not to shoot yourself in the foot with a rifle.

As far as buying what you want from who you want... I kind of want to agree, however... A negligent pet owner absolutely infringes upon the rights of others. If his/her abused animal gets out and mauls some poor kid or beats up somebody elses dog, than that person has violated the rights of others. If the abused animal ends up in a city shelter and is ultimately destroyed at the cities expense, than that person has violated the rights of every tax payer in town.
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