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Old 03-13-2011, 07:57 PM
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if your looking at used take off a few jets they come out, if the person had bad water quality the jets will show it-pH, alk not adjusted right or excessive Chlorine etc. the inners of the jets will help tell that (thell look really worn) and bad water can really be hard on plumbing. definitely get an insulated tub, the other thing is comfort sit in it make sure it feels good for you. I got a Coast Spa its a BC company and very happy with it. i heard bad things about COSTCO tubs.
CAD 22

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Old 03-13-2011, 09:07 PM
RedCoralOnlineStore RedCoralOnlineStore is offline
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Shootingstar is bang on accurate about the Arctic SPa! We purchased ours used actually and it worked put very well for us! Exceptional quality! Fantastic through the winters, incredible insulation and cover. Used all winter, no problems! Only costs us $30 a month to run as well! Would highly recommend salt (aquafinesse) over chlorine or bromine.
I would never look at another brand! These tubs are meant for Alberta winters! You would not be disappointed! Do not buy Costco tubs! We have a friend bought one because it was such a great price... Pump died and acrylic cracked in the first month of cold weather!
Best of luck! We love our Arctic Spa!
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Old 03-13-2011, 10:09 PM
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Duffer2 Duffer2 is offline
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Agree with the artic Spa's comment.

The initial investment is worth increasing as what you are really paying for is insulation. Try to get a 6" cover as opposed to a 3". Spray on insulation of a least 4". Panel insulation in hottubs can be okay, but you may loose significant heat if the fits aren't perfect.

In our experience, those who buy cheaper tubs pay way way more in the long run in operating costs. It really can mean $60-$70 more in cool months in electrical costs if you get a poorly insulated tub. That can quickly add up to $400-$500 a year in running costs x life of a hottub. Really makes the extra money up front worth spending.

Some newer tubs actually state the R value's and it's shocking the disparity between the low end and high end tubs.

My advice: Lot's of spray insulation, 6" cover, get a tub with 1 motor, skip the bubble maker, skip the water fall features, skip the extra jet package stuff.
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