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Old 01-28-2011, 05:12 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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This week the water is down to 8.0 I did a full change and I'll wait two weeks now to see if it stabilizes.
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Old 01-29-2011, 12:59 AM
Greenmaster Greenmaster is offline
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Location: Courtenay, BC Canada
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So I got a new pump for my B-day and now I need some help figuring where to put it... I'll upload some photos of my tank and if someone would like to give me some ideas on how to set it up I'm all ears. I see two options for the source. Either I can do a closed loop (that would allow pulsing of the pump... like on 5 sec off 5 sec.)? Or do it the same as my other two and just add a third return pump (that would increase turnover of the tank through the sump)? The next question is where do I put the bulkhead? (in/out for the closed loop or just the return) I was thinking I would like it close to the bottom half of the tank considering that the other two are at the top of the water. Next question is do I put a flow accelerator on like I have already or do I put some kind of rotating/ switching nozzle on? If so what kind/brand do you think works well?

Full tank shot.

Left side, looking from front.

Right side, looking from front.

Left side looking from left to back.

Left side, looking to right side, looking across the front of the tank.

Right side, looking to left side, looking across the back.

The white and black 1/2" pipe that is inside the tank is only there for filling/emptying the tank while I sort out the pH issues, once that is done I will be removing those pipes.
Also the pump is a 950 GPH
Sometimes life is best left to it's own devices.
If your not happy at what you're looking at, you're looking at it the wrong way.
My 320g DIY Build in progress watch at ---->

Last edited by Greenmaster; 01-29-2011 at 07:25 AM.
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Old 01-29-2011, 04:59 AM
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MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM looks fantastic Green hows is the LED light doing
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
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