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Old 12-05-2010, 02:57 PM
tgrover tgrover is offline
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Hey Denny,

Do you want people to ask you questions through this thread as well?

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Old 12-05-2010, 03:11 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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for sure you can ask here on the thread or in a pm or to my e mail which ever is more comfortable for you, if you post your questions on the thread you will get advice from alot of great reefers and if its something your looking and you post it maybe someone will see it and offer to help out

thanks bvlester , not too long ago i had someone message me from kijiji to my hotmail, they wanted help in looking for some coral but werent sure where to look and what they could get. i was planning a trip to red coral anyways so i invited the person to meet me there and we could talk about their tank and see in person some of the coral they could get

ive helped alot of people in edmonton get going and i know theres quite a few on here as i usually tell them to make an account and ask ask ask.i know close to 50 people id say in this city who have tanks and ive been to most houses or vice versa not to mention i keep in good faith with most of the lfs's here in town. i feel lucky to have known so many reefers here in the city that i thought i would put that to good use
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Old 12-06-2010, 03:54 AM
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Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
for sure you can ask here on the thread or in a pm or to my e mail which ever is more comfortable for you, if you post your questions on the thread you will get advice from alot of great reefers and if its something your looking and you post it maybe someone will see it and offer to help out

thanks bvlester , not too long ago i had someone message me from kijiji to my hotmail, they wanted help in looking for some coral but werent sure where to look and what they could get. i was planning a trip to red coral anyways so i invited the person to meet me there and we could talk about their tank and see in person some of the coral they could get

ive helped alot of people in edmonton get going and i know theres quite a few on here as i usually tell them to make an account and ask ask ask.i know close to 50 people id say in this city who have tanks and ive been to most houses or vice versa not to mention i keep in good faith with most of the lfs's here in town. i feel lucky to have known so many reefers here in the city that i thought i would put that to good use
good to hear I used to live in Edmonton between 1996 and 2003 I worked for Telus back then. I know the guy that got AI up and running in the saltwater fish, that's another story not for forums. I went to all the LFS there some are great as far as employees and stock and some just didn't care they just wanted your money.

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Old 12-30-2010, 11:07 PM
oizo oizo is offline
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Hey Denny.
I spoke with you through email before after your live rock and sand post on kijiji, about possibly getting into the hobby. Then i told you I thought we may just go the freshwater route, after realizing the costs.
Well after me and my old lady talked about it for awhile we decided to go the saltwater route anyways and purchased a 12 gal nano cube and currently have it cycling.
Seeing as were both rooks to fish in general I'm sure we'll have lots of questions, but to start off here's what we have.

12 gal jbj nano cube
14 lbs live rock
5 lbs sugar sand?
bought a refractometer boxing day
hagen water test kit (the briefcase one that has tests for pretty much everything)
marineland 50w heater
H2Ocean salt
brand new 5 gal bucket
and a 200$ gift certificate with boxing day deals for fish!

So by your guys experience, what am i missing? i'm sure there must be something. I've been looking at other peoples tanks on youtube and noticed some with a oceanic biocube protein skimmers... Do you feel i'll need one? if so where would you purchase one around here? I haven't seen any, mind you last time i was at any of the stores in town I was not aware of there existence.
And finally any quick suggestions on fish and possibly invertebrates that would be a good starter for us rookies? We have been doing some research but I'll wait until we at least finish looking through the books we grabbed before i'll let you know what we would like to do.
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Old 12-30-2010, 11:36 PM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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You don't need a skimmer on your tank. Just keep up with your weekly water changes and the live rock will take care of the rest. As far as fish suggestions go there are lots of small fish that would go nicely into the tank and it's going to be up to you what you like. Small gobies, percula, ocellaris or sebae clowns, firefish, yellowtail blue damsel, small fairy wrasses. All would work and are reef safe. A cleaner or peppermint shrimp would be nice to. You may need a nano size powerhead for in tank circulation, I'm not sure if the stock system provides enough. Of course you'll need food, frozen mysis and a good quality pellet food such as Ocean Nutrition. And you'll also need some patience to let the tank cycle for about a month before adding any fish.

Last edited by intarsiabox; 12-30-2010 at 11:40 PM.
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Old 12-30-2010, 11:37 PM
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RedCoralEdmonton RedCoralEdmonton is offline
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Woot woot gift certificate! hehe great way to extend the awesome boxing day deals..... anyways as for beginner fish, for a 12 gallon the most popular has to be the Ocellaris Clownfish, and as for inverts, a few blue leg hermits, and/or a shrimp is never a bad choice!

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Old 12-30-2010, 11:38 PM
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RedCoralEdmonton RedCoralEdmonton is offline
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lol posted almost the same time....but what he said!

Link to our location and hours!
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Old 12-31-2010, 12:11 AM
topher topher is offline
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Default Uv sterilizer

Hey Denny, Chris here. just wondering what your thought is on UV sterilizers? good, bad, don't do much, or what?
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Old 12-31-2010, 02:54 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by oizo View Post
Hey Denny.
I spoke with you through email before after your live rock and sand post on kijiji, about possibly getting into the hobby. Then i told you I thought we may just go the freshwater route, after realizing the costs.
Well after me and my old lady talked about it for awhile we decided to go the saltwater route anyways and purchased a 12 gal nano cube and currently have it cycling.
Seeing as were both rooks to fish in general I'm sure we'll have lots of questions, but to start off here's what we have.

12 gal jbj nano cube
14 lbs live rock
5 lbs sugar sand?
bought a refractometer boxing day
hagen water test kit (the briefcase one that has tests for pretty much everything)
marineland 50w heater
H2Ocean salt
brand new 5 gal bucket
and a 200$ gift certificate with boxing day deals for fish!

So by your guys experience, what am i missing? i'm sure there must be something. I've been looking at other peoples tanks on youtube and noticed some with a oceanic biocube protein skimmers... Do you feel i'll need one? if so where would you purchase one around here? I haven't seen any, mind you last time i was at any of the stores in town I was not aware of there existence.
And finally any quick suggestions on fish and possibly invertebrates that would be a good starter for us rookies? We have been doing some research but I'll wait until we at least finish looking through the books we grabbed before i'll let you know what we would like to do.

Welcome to the salty world friend, I think skimmer would def be a good purchase and if you can afford one then get one, there are alot of good or decent hang on back models to choose from. All great advice previously posted and there are plenty of small fish to choose from but clownfish are plenty hardy and usually a more popular starter fish.

Would recommend cheking out some set ups big or small to find the direction you want to go, your always welcomevto visit mine and I know alot of others would offer as well.

What do you have for Lighting??

pics plsss lol
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Old 12-31-2010, 03:00 AM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by topher View Post
Hey Denny, Chris here. just wondering what your thought is on UV sterilizers? good, bad, don't do much, or what?

I guess it depends on what your goal is with it, personally I don't use them and with good husbandry you shouldn't need one who knows what else they take out but to he their own those who use them probably love them those who font say their not necessary sooooo it's a see saw topic that goes back to why do you need it?? cheers
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