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Old 11-08-2010, 07:13 PM
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+++1 on that. Don't get rid of that beautiful tank! I love my Osaka 260! It's totaly rimless with starfire glass.

Although I would find difficult and unsighty to put a sump beside the tank, one can be costum build to fit either one side or one sump on each side connected together could work. I am debating with mine to put 2 sumps connected together or to put just one.

BTW, I have many sps and other corals in my tank and have my Deltec 300 hanged on the side of the tank, and it,s doing a great job. I have some micro-algae and my nitrates are always undetectible.

Originally Posted by RIPTANK View Post
You don't need to start over. The Osaka 260 is a beautiful tank and can be used for saltwater as many have done. You can put a sump beside your tank and purchase an eshopp overflow box (the PF-800 is the size you need). I would strongly recommend you also buy an aqualifter pump made by Tom (approx. $20) in case of a syphon break. The overflow boxes are very safe so long as you get an aqualifter pump and avoid buying snails. I personally wouldn't waste my money on a hang on skimmer because they just don't seem to skim anywhere near as good as a skimmer in a sump with an overflow. Let's face it... You're not gonna get jack sqaut for your Fluval Osaka 260 on the private market and will have to fork out a bundle more for a drilled tank and stand that won't even look anywhere near as nice as the Osaka. Put the money towards a good quality skimmer instead. If you need any pointers I'll be happy to help you out with some pics of a similar set up. Cheers!

Last edited by daniella3d; 11-08-2010 at 07:16 PM.
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Old 11-08-2010, 07:30 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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i think its sad that people still use hang on back overflow boxes like cpr , ive had one for years and ill never go back ...sure they can be made to be " failsafe " but they never are really.they need constant tuning to equal out the returen pump from your syphon...the littlest bit of algae and it gets clogged. usually theres is only one drain which is a huge no no and you need to keep the box really clean so as not to clog the drain filter

your tank can be drilled easily enough and rock can be stored in a bin like whatcaneyedo said.if you do go the hob overflow box route i can guarantee that you will want to take it out later at some time.most people who push hob overflow boxes are speaking from pride because they were lucky theres didnt mess up ,they have tons of room for error and is a disaster waiting to happen.again i ran one for years and i was fearful to leave town and i was fearfull to go to sleep. aqualifters break all the time and are slow to start a syphon again.if you use a syphin to bring water back to your sump your return pump has to match, a gate valve can be used easily enough but you will have to tweak it all the time.

pls do not do this if you ask around most saltwater hobbyst will tell you they are not worth the headache and money to buy, personally i wouldnt give a hob overflow box to someone...... i wouldnt sleep right
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Old 11-08-2010, 09:45 PM
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well that's nice but if you really don't want to dig holes in your aquarium, there is not much other solution.

How about putting a float switch on the tank to avoir "disaster"?

that should be easy enough to implement and if the pump fail, or if the overflow get clogged, then the float switch would cut off the power to the pump. how about that?

There must be something safe enough.

Originally Posted by reefwars View Post
i think its sad that people still use hang on back overflow boxes like cpr , ive had one for years and ill never go back ...sure they can be made to be " failsafe " but they never are really.they need constant tuning to equal out the returen pump from your syphon...the littlest bit of algae and it gets clogged. usually theres is only one drain which is a huge no no and you need to keep the box really clean so as not to clog the drain filter

your tank can be drilled easily enough and rock can be stored in a bin like whatcaneyedo said.if you do go the hob overflow box route i can guarantee that you will want to take it out later at some time.most people who push hob overflow boxes are speaking from pride because they were lucky theres didnt mess up ,they have tons of room for error and is a disaster waiting to happen.again i ran one for years and i was fearful to leave town and i was fearfull to go to sleep. aqualifters break all the time and are slow to start a syphon again.if you use a syphin to bring water back to your sump your return pump has to match, a gate valve can be used easily enough but you will have to tweak it all the time.

pls do not do this if you ask around most saltwater hobbyst will tell you they are not worth the headache and money to buy, personally i wouldnt give a hob overflow box to someone...... i wouldnt sleep right
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Old 11-08-2010, 09:54 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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Originally Posted by daniella3d View Post
well that's nice but if you really don't want to dig holes in your aquarium, there is not much other solution.

How about putting a float switch on the tank to avoir "disaster"?

that should be easy enough to implement and if the pump fail, or if the overflow get clogged, then the float switch would cut off the power to the pump. how about that?

There must be something safe enough.
im sure with enough things on there you would be safe but seems like alot of trouble, i did have one on my 180g for a longggg time lol and at the time i thought i was gravy i kept it going and in time i figured it out completely .......but

my last tank was a 110g was drilled in each corner for each overflow was two drains and one it is physically impossible for water to overflow minus the bulkheads leaking( which is no different from the ring leaking that keeps the drain hose on a overflow box) each overflow has two drains in case one gets clogged.the only water that can enter the sump is the amount the sump had in it to begin with.

i hated not knowing if what i had done was safe enough , turned out i was good but for how much longer??
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Old 11-08-2010, 09:55 PM
megs_clark megs_clark is offline
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I think my Osaka Is the next size up. Im going to have mine drilled. We drilled the back of my 72 gallon bowfront to accomidate a herbby overflow and the two holes we did went smoothly. I had ordered the Diamon Coated Hole saw bits off ebay and got 3 for under $10 and the one we used took about 10-15 min per hole. Im thinking of taking the shelf out of the stand and part of the middle wall, and reinforcing it somehow to allow for my sump to slide in. Then im thinking of getting a piece of tinted glass and make a swinging door or magnetic one to cover the middle of the stand thats open below the drawer. I have a new vortex in100 that Iv had sitting since last year new and i just assembled it and theirs enough height to get the cup off once its sitting in the sump. My husband was worried about me gutting the inside of the stand, but i figure once were done reinforcing it it will probably be stonger and more stable then if we hadnt and ill have more play room. So thats how im leaning but i love hearing how others are doing it.
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Old 11-08-2010, 09:56 PM
reefwars reefwars is offline
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even my hang on back filter on my 33g sprung a leak after running for so long wasnt good lol
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Old 11-08-2010, 11:17 PM
smallfish smallfish is offline
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I've have never had a problem with my hang on overflow box, but i've heard they can be disasterious. i'm running a 46g reef with 20g sump lots of lfs and 2 clowns, yellow tang and manderin dragnet.
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Old 11-08-2010, 11:21 PM
smallfish smallfish is offline
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my remora hang on skimmer worked well untill i started my sump. i still love mine
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