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Old 12-01-2003, 08:53 AM
gio gio is offline
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ok please dont think i am a complete idiot as i dont know anything about fish tanks. i live with my cousin and we have a 155 gallon reef tank. our sea apple started spewing out poison tonight and i had a major disaster as most of- if not all of my fish died. anyways i put the sea apple in a bucket hoping it will get over what ever mad it mad. i put a heater in it to keep the temp regulated in the water.

now after all that..........what i need to know is if those little stick heater things (i must again let you know i know nothing about reeftanks) can be completely submerged in water or not?? can the temp control dial be in the water or will it short circuit??? thanks in advance for the answer.

Last edited by gio; 05-09-2011 at 02:39 AM.
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Old 12-01-2003, 12:22 PM
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Default Re: heater issues


I keep the control part of the heater out of the water in my tanks.

Also, put a small powerhead in the apple's container to oxygenate the water.

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Old 12-01-2003, 01:27 PM
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I agree with Bev. Keep the top from the water. Moving this to a better forum for you.
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Old 12-01-2003, 05:03 PM
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Do you really like the SeaApple that much ? ... it just wiped out the tank ! ... first of all they are a risky choice of tank inhabitant for just that reason and so you should not worry too much about the heater as that " bad " apple should be on it's way back to the LFS . Not ragging on ya but did the LFS warn you two about the risks of keeping a SeaApple ?

If you do a search for reef-safe critters there should be lots of reading for you on what is reef-safe and also what poses potential risks to tank inhabitants.


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Old 12-01-2003, 10:32 PM
gio gio is offline
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I knew what could happen with a sea apple. the aquarium is my cousins and he is away in ontario for an indefinate period of time. I am merely taking care of it. I knew that they spewed some kind of poison out and i knew it would be fatal. I am however thankful that the only things that were affected were the fish. We did not have very many fish in there-mainly corals etc. So I guess I am grateful for that. I wish I would have known that they only affect the fish as I went crazy trying to remove whatever I could get out and fit in the buckets I had. Yes now I am undecided on what to do with this monster. I called the pet store today and they told me this was a "breeding" technique and that they spew them out at any given time. They said I was lucky because none of them have ever witnessed this from a sea apple and offered to take it back and exchange it for another-or something else.

Since April we have changed tanks 5 times due to moving-setting up, buying a new tank-setting up-removing cause tank was cracked. placing in new tank-removing and placed in a larger tank. I have not see any negative responses from this sea apple during those times.
I now have little miss apple in a bucket waiting to decide her fate. Thanks for the info on the heater. For someone who knew nothing bout reef tanks I am sure learning pretty quick.

Last edited by gio; 05-09-2011 at 02:39 AM.
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Old 12-02-2003, 06:49 AM
EmptyMind EmptyMind is offline
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What store told you that? Not that I really wish to encourage any flaming or anything, but, I really would like to know where NOT to go in the future. I jsut dont want to be asking any store that tells you that you are 'lucky' because something just killed all your fish for any advice in the future.
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Old 12-02-2003, 04:04 PM
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As for your heater, I keep all of my heaters submerged with no problems. They are all Ebo Jager Heaters.
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Old 12-02-2003, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Seriak
As for your heater, I keep all of my heaters submerged with no problems. They are all Ebo Jager Heaters.
Yeap likewise. 4 years, and no problems.
Jason Nugent
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