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Old 09-13-2010, 06:32 PM
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Originally Posted by JonT View Post
If I were to go online, and post pictures of my new black lab in a 2' x 2' room. Will anything be done? What, if I said that was where he was going to stay forever, and that I would only use a shovel to clean up after him (nope, not using cloth's or cleaners), and that I know he will get bigger, and benefit from a larger space, and that I think he is so cute, I might get two more!!!! (sorry for the run on, it was done intentionally)

What would happen? I would be in jail. Animal cruelty.

So, think about all the boards we frequent... Now think of how many times you have seen the same thing... I have a 40 gallon cube (details) then a huge stocking list including tangs, and other fish that will get bigger etc. And all of this will be maintained with inadequate filtration.

Not far off from what is being done to the dog, but with fish.

What happens? Nothing. The community will normally try to encourage the person to reconsider. Some will do it more passionately than others. But no matter what, they will not be charged with animal cruelty. Isn't it though?

I don't think a total ban should be the case. But it is easy to see why it would be included in the blanket ban.

I do however think that not everyone should be able to get whatever animal they wanted. If I go to a big box store, or a small LFS, they will order the fish if I am willing to pay for it. I would really like to think that the stores would make sure that the person could care for the fish. But I don't see it. How many fish stores carry groupers? Sharks? Idols? Nudibranchs?

What would happen if we all had to register our tanks with the city? Permits to get the fish (much like most places do with cats and dogs)

I love my fish, I do what I can to ensure they are taken care of. But there are many people with too much $$ that are helping to ruin our hobby. It is easy to see why they are looking at doing this.
Very good point, I think in most cases the gov't is happy to leave well enough alone, unfortunately when a hobby/industry proves time and time again that it can't regulate itself properly then action gets prompted by someone (who probably witnessed a yellow tang in a 20 gallon tank) and usually results in the wrong people writing the law.

Too much damage is done to natural reefs for my liking as a direct result of this hobby, practices like cyanide, catching "unkeepable" fish, etc. are inexcusable.

As for banning fish for consumption... that fishing is usually not done in threatened reef environments (A guess, but probably a realistic one).

And Yes, I get the hypocrisy, I atone for it a little I hope by trying to purchase frags from other reefers where possible, I plan on stocking my tank with captive bred fish and if those aren't available make sure that they are not cyanide caught
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Old 09-13-2010, 06:43 PM
hillbillyreefer hillbillyreefer is offline
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Banning things seems to be human nature. Every segment of the population has a certain thing they want to ban. In this case exotic pets. In other cases, meat, school prayer, hydrocarbon fuels, guns, abortion, nudity and on and on. It is the general population that needs to make their voices heard. If the small groups of banners do get their agenda passed it is almost impossible for you to take back your freedoms. A good example is the endless gun control debate, the anti's took away freedoms and it's been a 15 year fight to get those freedoms back. Never, ever give up your freedoms. Do everything in your power to fight City hall and the banners. In my experience a small group of well prepared presenters at a city council meeting can and will make a huge difference. The people on the ban side generally work off of emotions and not facts and rational. Fight back!!
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Old 09-13-2010, 10:36 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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If you live in Vernon, I think it would be prudent to take a few moments and write "Buffy" the coucilor and let her know your "voting" opinion. I did.

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Old 09-14-2010, 09:49 PM
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This is exactly what I posted. I think this is a bot.

Originally Posted by doramider7 View Post
I blame all the irresponsible people ruining things for everyone else.

Animal-lovers see animals being abused, complain (and rightfully so) and lawmakers pass these broad blanket laws affecting everyone.
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Old 09-15-2010, 04:11 AM
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I completely agree that everyone in the Vernon area write to the MLA. I hope everyone does... this city isn't far from mine. I can understand bears, tigers, lions bla bla bla but come on... saltwater fish..???

Too look on the other side of the coin here... is it just the owner of a saltwater aquarium that is irresponsible? Sure it is part of it... But it is also that person that sold them something they shouldn't have... Maybe the store owners should be held a little accountable here too... instead of looking at the opportunity to sell off a Moorish idol to person that is running 20gal nano or someone that just started in this hobby they should actually deny the sale. Questions should be asked before any fish or coral is bought. When I bought my first Rottweiler I had to write an exam on the breed!! I couldn't just pick the dog either... the dog had to pick me; were talking about a 160lb dog that can easily hurt an adult if wanted. I then had to get training lessons off him (breeder) or another qualified trainer or the dog will be taken back. That is a professional seller IMO. You can't say he didn't need the money these dogs were 1200 at the cheap end. He wanted them to have a responsible owner. Maybe all pet stores should follow the same example.

Flame away…
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Old 09-16-2010, 02:41 AM
fsjman fsjman is offline
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I heard the Mayor doesnt use toilet paper and it will be ban by 2012 What a load of crap
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Old 09-16-2010, 03:48 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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So I wrote the council about my thoughts the whole thing and the replies I got back from the mayor and each councillor tell me that they voted on not moving forward with the bylaw as it seemed too broad and too difficult to enforce.

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Old 09-16-2010, 04:52 PM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
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Originally Posted by mseepman View Post
So I wrote the council about my thoughts the whole thing and the replies I got back from the mayor and each councillor tell me that they voted on not moving forward with the bylaw as it seemed too broad and too difficult to enforce.
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