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Old 08-27-2010, 03:23 AM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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I suspect that it was the $10 frags that got his attention. Since most of us have experienced another vendor with that price, but without the service I'm pretty thankful for finding out about them.

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
Old 08-27-2010, 03:32 AM
2pts 2pts is offline
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Originally Posted by Starry View Post
when did you plan on placing the order? i wouldnt mind a few zoa frags. welcome to canreef!
I'm thinking Sat morning to place the order.
Old 08-27-2010, 03:58 AM
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Originally Posted by mseepman View Post where did you get your tank? What do you have in it now? Can you tell us some about your skimmer, sump, flow...

I live down near the Walmart...but have had my tank running for about 4 years.
Got my tank from complete pet mart in town here, manager is a friend of ours, too bad they are closing. Scott helped me set it up and I traded him about 40 dozen beer for equiptment

I have about 220 lbs of live rock (including in sump) bought from AJ's, Complete pet mart, and Island Pets.

I run two MH 150w bulbs with two double T5's as well as a small light over the sump.

I was given a small protein skimmer (beer trade) that hung on my sump but a month later it developed a leak so I removed it. Ran with no skimmer for 7ish months, last week I bought at CPM a Lee's 17110 large PS, the thing may be ugly in my display but it was only $20, because as I try to nurse my sun coral back from starvation I am overfeeding my tank.

I run an Aquaclear 110 hanging off my sump.

I have some pump (lol) in my sump that was given to me (beer trade) that seems to do the job. The sump is either 15 or 20 gallons.

I have Zoanthids, a long tenacle anemone ( I think ), some torchs, two frogspawns, two toadstools and a starved sun coral.

Copperband butterfly, yellow tang, six green chromis, a sixline wrasse, two yellow headed jawfish, 2 false perculas, a pink skunk clow, an orange spotted sand sifting goby and 4 small yellow clown gobies,.

I'm ordering a blue hippo tang and some zoa frags.

Last edited by 2pts; 08-27-2010 at 04:22 AM.
Old 08-27-2010, 04:00 AM
2pts 2pts is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
Kind of interesting, how a new user lists a company to do a group order with that not many people have heard of.

Ken - BWA

As is a guy from Edmonton commenting on a thread about ordering to my house in Vernon BC.
Old 08-27-2010, 04:01 AM
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Originally Posted by medhatreefguy View Post
Some really good prices (except the TEK fixtures). I don't know of anyone that ships livestock for free. Interesting.
J and L does too.
Old 08-27-2010, 02:19 PM
gobytron gobytron is offline
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Originally Posted by BlueWorldAquatic View Post
Kind of interesting, how a new user lists a company to do a group order with that not many people have heard of.

Ken - BWA
Can you elaborate on that please?

I don't find it strange at all and this worries me a little...

maybe I'M strange..?
Old 08-27-2010, 04:54 PM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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Originally Posted by 2pts View Post
Got my tank from complete pet mart in town here, manager is a friend of ours, too bad they are closing. Scott helped me set it up and I traded him about 40 dozen beer for equiptment

I have about 220 lbs of live rock (including in sump) bought from AJ's, Complete pet mart, and Island Pets.

I run two MH 150w bulbs with two double T5's as well as a small light over the sump.

I was given a small protein skimmer (beer trade) that hung on my sump but a month later it developed a leak so I removed it. Ran with no skimmer for 7ish months, last week I bought at CPM a Lee's 17110 large PS, the thing may be ugly in my display but it was only $20, because as I try to nurse my sun coral back from starvation I am overfeeding my tank.

I run an Aquaclear 110 hanging off my sump.

I have some pump (lol) in my sump that was given to me (beer trade) that seems to do the job. The sump is either 15 or 20 gallons.

I have Zoanthids, a long tenacle anemone ( I think ), some torchs, two frogspawns, two toadstools and a starved sun coral.

Copperband butterfly, yellow tang, six green chromis, a sixline wrasse, two yellow headed jawfish, 2 false perculas, a pink skunk clow, an orange spotted sand sifting goby and 4 small yellow clown gobies,.

I'm ordering a blue hippo tang and some zoa frags.
I know what you mean by depressing that Complete Pet is closing. I haven't spoken to Scott since he got the new job but this reminds me that I need to make the effort because I haven't even seen his new tank yet.

I won't be able to take part in the livestock purchase as I'm on a buying hold until the new tank is up. Too risky to buy stuff only to see it die in a move.

We'll have to connect some time so I can see your tank.

290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.
Old 08-27-2010, 07:34 PM
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Originally Posted by 2pts View Post
As is a guy from Edmonton commenting on a thread about ordering to my house in Vernon BC.
I cant speak for him but I assume as he is a paying sponsor for the board, he may be curious, like most others.

And just as a point of interest, on many other boards, one cant mention group orders or the such from non sponsors.


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Old 08-27-2010, 08:06 PM
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We have decided to close this thread for now. Like I mentioned, we have to respect the sponsors of this board.

Sorry and hopefully, thanks for your understanding. We have a great board here, with lots of very good sponsors, that are very competitive priced and carry most all of our needs. Of course ones free to purchase where they wish but we ask that they understand our obligation to our sponsors.
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