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Old 11-25-2003, 04:48 AM
EmptyMind EmptyMind is offline
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Default Lawnmower Accident!

Wah! I think that my Lawnmower Blenny accidentally mowed over my Lettuce Nudibranch..

I can see pieces of nudibranch spread around my tank.. (I have foudn 3 picces) the 'head' is still alive and moving around.. but he is only about a quarter the size he was..

What are the chances of him making it? Anyone else had there lawmowers take out their nudibranchs?
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Old 11-25-2003, 04:56 AM
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That's the first time I've heard of that . Any powerheads that it could've got suck into. I have seen that before.
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Old 11-25-2003, 05:07 AM
EmptyMind EmptyMind is offline
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Well.. there is 3 maxi-jet power heads.. and i have saved him twice from being sucked onto the filter part.. but i check every day.. and well.. to be honest.. the powerhead baskets are pretty covered with algea.. i clean them every week but.. as it stands now.. pretty covered..
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Old 11-25-2003, 05:17 AM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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And, just a few days ago, I found my nudibranch missing a BIG chunk out of his middle...

I just added the lawnmower a few days prior to the nudibranch getting bit.

I wonder if the lawnmower was just munching on algae and didnt notice the nudibranch munching away on the hair algae too?

IMO, there is no way my powerheads got the nudi... my powerheads are nowhere near the rocks... and I have had this guy for 4 months or more now...
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Old 11-25-2003, 03:56 PM
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Do those lettuce seaslugs really do all that well in captivity long-term? I've never heard of any stories where people have had them for more than a couple of months tops.
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Old 11-25-2003, 05:35 PM
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I have heard that as well. But I still have decent amounts of algae in my tank so I figured there was enough food for it.
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Old 11-25-2003, 06:13 PM
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If your talking bout the salaris blenny, aka lawnmower blenny, they are not as cute and cuddly as they appear. When competing for food they will bite, attack, chase, and maim anything that is in direct competition with itself for food. I have seen them chase away large angels and tangs, including one episode where the salaris blenny grabed hold of a 11"brevirostris naso tang by the belly and thrashed around holding on while the tang tried to swim away. They are mean little buggers. And they have mean little rasping teeth too.
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Old 11-25-2003, 06:50 PM
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Originally Posted by deepblueaquatics
If your talking bout the salaris blenny, aka lawnmower blenny, they are not as cute and cuddly as they appear. When competing for food they will bite, attack, chase, and maim anything that is in direct competition with itself for food. I have seen them chase away large angels and tangs, including one episode where the salaris blenny grabed hold of a 11"brevirostris naso tang by the belly and thrashed around holding on while the tang tried to swim away. They are mean little buggers. And they have mean little rasping teeth too.
... Frederick ? < kidz named him > ... my cute Frederick would do that ? naaaa

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Old 11-25-2003, 08:19 PM
EmptyMind EmptyMind is offline
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Yeah.. Lawnmower blenny.. (named Lenny, I am not very imaginitive when it comes to names) brownish.. likes to get darker in the rocks and very light when on the sand.. seen him appear to try and eat an astrea snail.. but i just thought he was trying to eat the algea off his back..
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Old 11-25-2003, 08:32 PM
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I agree they can be quite testy, chasing smaller fish away from the glass, etc... Regularly gets in pi$$ing matches with my dwarf angel, too.

I thought it was just cranky, but then read something similar to what DBA posted.

There was a really cool closeup shot of the mouth and teeth of one of these bad-boys on RC that I grabbed. Can't post it from here, though...

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