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Old 11-21-2003, 11:44 PM
EmptyMind EmptyMind is offline
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Default Little Pink Balls

So me and Lostmind were just sitting here admiring my algea..

and saw these things..

Uhmmm.. anyone know what these are?
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Old 11-21-2003, 11:50 PM
Stretch Stretch is offline
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My guess would be a sponge of some type. i have various colors of them and some nice colored one under some ledges
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Old 11-22-2003, 01:52 AM
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Default Re: Little Pink Balls

Originally Posted by EmptyMind
So me and Lostmind were just sitting here admiring my algea..
If the tank has cycled, get your cleanup crew to clear away the algae. The longer you wait to get snails and hermits (if you want hermits), the harder time they will have cleaning the algae

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Old 11-22-2003, 05:13 AM
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I have to agree with Jesse 100%

I have two of the same, that have been in my reef for about three years now. They are harmless and actually grow full size to abut the size of a golf ball, so I have been told. I had Dr. Ron send me the true latin name for these guy's but I just can seem to find the email
As with most sponges, they need to stay submerged all the time to stay alive, so if you let them contact with air they won't be around soon after.
cheers, Rich

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Old 11-22-2003, 07:31 AM
EmptyMind EmptyMind is offline
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Heh.. TRUST me.. the cleanup crew has been in there for a while..

I have sooooo many snails and hermits its scary.. I dont want to add any more for fear that once I get RID of the algea problem I may not be able to feed them all..

I seriously have over 100 snails, mostly Astrea(about 60 or 70 by now), but also a good supply (20+ each) of cerith, margerita, and nassarius.. plus some trochus, stomatella.. oh.. and 2 of something we were sold as 'turbo snails' but.. well.. dont think that they are after seeing actual turbos at JL..

PLUS... I have like 30 - 50 hermits, blue legged and Zebra..

PLUS... a yellow tang, and a newly purchased lawnmower blenny.

All these were puchased.. batches of about 10 or 20 evey week or 2.. combined with as much manual removal as my hands could take.. to try to combat the algea.. I didn't want to have the alge go away and then everything DIE of starvation..

I have gotten fed up with the algea now.. and have started in with my girlfriends eyebrow tweezers to yank more of the algea out that slips thru the fingers.. (yes I asked her first.. she says she can buy a new one.. )

Yes I do weekly water changes.. and all my tests are very good.. <shrug> I do the same things as LostMind does.. same water source.. same tests.. everything is the same.. cept... he has very little algea.. and I have the entire TANK of algea.. jsut time and effort to get it under control..

I figure that once I do have it removed enuf (tweezers take a long time to get all of it) it wont have the chance to get long as all the snails should take care of it while it is still in the very small edible stage.. <fingers crossed>

Anyways.. off topic but i guess its my post so.. maybe thats not sooooo bad..
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Old 11-22-2003, 07:33 AM
EmptyMind EmptyMind is offline
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And thank you for the ID replies..

Long as they are not eggs of some wierd parasitic alien beast that is going to EAT ME.. I am happy..
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Old 11-22-2003, 08:30 AM
LostMind LostMind is offline
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It's kinda humourous... I have the same rock as emptymind, same ro/di source, same salt, but a bigger tank with more flow (120gallon for me, 90 for him)... he has brighter lights (400w compared to my 250w)... he has 3x the snails and hermits I have...

I have a few spots of algae - a half dozen toonie sized patches and some of my pvc has hair algae... he has a full tank of it.

Dunno what made the difference.
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