Originally Posted by SAMSHUNG
Good point, I hadn't considered that. It was listed as Jakarta Live Rock when I purchased it and judging from other Indonesian LR that I've seen I think it's accurate. It was purchased from Pacific Aquatics in Surrey (incidentally they currently have it on sale for $5.75/lb). Are Sun Coral and Dendros indigenous to that location? Also, as both Sun Coral and Dendros have differing requirements how might I tailor it's husbandry until I determine exactly species it is?
Sorry for all the Q's but I'm a total n00b still.
Paul charged the name back to Paul's Aquatics from Pacific Aquatics a little while ago. Pacific Aquatics is his parent company name. I have known him since the beginning of the 1990's. Great guy knows his stuff and will give you as much info as he can. He also brings in some very nice fish, his prices are normally a bit less than J&L but not always, but they are close at any rate. He guaranties his fish also, one other thing he has been in this hobby and retail world for around 35 years.
As far as your hitch hicker very nice I have a couple that have a bit of blue to them mine came fro a rock I picked up from AA, I like them they stay prity small.