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Old 06-08-2010, 07:22 AM
bryceschutte bryceschutte is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Calgary, Mackenzie Lake
Posts: 117
bryceschutte is on a distinguished road
Default LF: Anything and everything! Just getting started.

Hello all! UPDATE: I'm set up and started!

I am new to the forum and am already very excited to adsorb a tonne of knowledge. I have had multiple fresh water and brackish water tanks in my life time.

Now I really want to make the jump to saltwater. So I come to the Calgary members to help me get started. I am going to have a lot of time on my hands for the next few months but not a lot of money. Long story short, I will be on short term disability.

I am looking to start a tank from scratch. I have 2 tanks that I am debating on using as my first attempt. A 45 gal bow front or a 110 gal. Went with the 45 gal for now. I'm thinking the bow front because I for surly cannot afford the sand and live rock to get started as is. I have filters, lights, and a test kit that will work to get me started but I am reaching out for some assistance with a few other things for either really cheap or free.

Power heads - Anyone have one laying around?

Protein skimmer - I am debating on doing the DIY one listed in the forum but would need some assistance.
Decided that it can wait. Just need more water changes.

Live or dead rock - I am very willing to start with a small piece and add enough dead rock ( is that what you call it?) and wait the 3 months or whatever it takes for it all to be alive.
I was able to purchase 30lbs of live rock from P_mantis and got some not so live rock donated by whiteangelbw

Sand - From what I have been reading I can once again use not live sand and "seed" with some live sand. Either way I need both.
Half bag live sand donated by Coleus

Current pumps - I know there is a better word for theses. Just cant remember (NOOB!)
Useing my fluval 201

Live stock - This will have to wait awhile until the tank is well set up.
I have a clown on the way once my tank gets set up. Donated by P_mantis

Knowledge / a friend - Someone willing to take me under their wing and teach me how to get started the correct way.

I am willing to trade services for any or all of the things I need listed above. I can babysit your tank while you are on holidays not that I know anything about saltwater. I am great with computers and Iphone / Ipads. I can also jailbreak them for you. I was a gold smith for many years so i can give advice or repairs on anything Jewellery related. I am currently selling Used vehicles at Sunridge Nissan and can give you a really great deal on a vehicle.

I have wanted to get into this hobby since I saw my first Trigger fish. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Last edited by bryceschutte; 06-13-2010 at 06:25 AM. Reason: update
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