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Old 05-29-2010, 06:19 PM
pendergast pendergast is offline
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Default Newbie Algy Question

I know that certain types of algy build up means different things. I am very new at saltwater aquariums. So here it goes, it looks like i have algy or some kinda crap floating on the surface of the water in my aquarium and oil slicks, was just woundering if this is bad or what it is? the algy looks green in color but i am abit color blind so it could be a different color they are small clumps floating around. I also have lots of algy build up in my protein skimmer, And am unsure about how to clean it out or if its fine to just leave it in?

thank you for your time.
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Old 05-29-2010, 06:46 PM
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Hey it sounds like you might have a green water problem.
Just simple water changes will help with this.
Clean out the protien skimmer collection cup of all that bacteria, and scoop out as much debris floating in the water.
If you want you can shoot your rocks with a turkey baster to remove extra debris before doing a water change.

As for the oil-ish looking film, I found that I had that when I was using a Glasstop.
Right when I switched to mesh top (DIY in Tank Journal) the film diapered. Better gas exchange is always good.

Last resort to remove this green stuff is UV Sterilizer imo.

A little more information on your setup would help.

- Size
- Live Stock
- How long has the tank been setup
- Top or no top?

4lti7ude's 20Gallon Nano Tank
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Old 05-29-2010, 06:56 PM
pendergast pendergast is offline
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I do have a glass top for it. Its a 46gal, the tank has been set up for alittle over 2 months. I have a hawkfish and a yellowtail blue demsel, 11 reef hermits, 2 snails and i found a regular crab in there i guess he was in the live rock when i bought it. cause i never bought him.
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Old 05-29-2010, 07:07 PM
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Originally Posted by pendergast View Post
I do have a glass top for it. Its a 46gal, the tank has been set up for alittle over 2 months. I have a hawkfish and a yellowtail blue demsel, 11 reef hermits, 2 snails and i found a regular crab in there i guess he was in the live rock when i bought it. cause i never bought him.
You for sure should switch the top.
The glasstops really limit the gas exchange at the surface of the water.

I forgot to also ask what kind of lights and how long are they running?
When theres not to much current at the surface of the water I find it can get that film of oil across it.

4lti7ude's 20Gallon Nano Tank
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Old 05-29-2010, 07:09 PM
smallfish smallfish is offline
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Default brown sand need help

Hey folks im fairly new to saltwater tanks, i've been running just under a year now and my sand is started to turn brown. I thought it was over feeding but i've changed my feeding cycle to every second day, but it dosen't seem to help. My tank is 46 gal. with 20 gal. sump. 2 chromis,1 manderin,1yellow tang,2 clowns, 1 sand siffting gobbie,cleaner shrimp and lots of lps.
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Old 05-29-2010, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by smallfish View Post
Hey folks im fairly new to saltwater tanks, i've been running just under a year now and my sand is started to turn brown. I thought it was over feeding but i've changed my feeding cycle to every second day, but it dosen't seem to help. My tank is 46 gal. with 20 gal. sump. 2 chromis,1 manderin,1yellow tang,2 clowns, 1 sand siffting gobbie,cleaner shrimp and lots of lps.
Sounds to me like you need more sand sifters.
Most things that grow algae are from lack of water flow or movement.
Maybe one more sand sifting goby or something will help. (Avoid Sand Sifting sea star)

Another thing that could help is changing up your light cycle.
Before when I was running a bit to long of lights above my sand bed the sand started developing the brown algae also. A powerhead can also help with the algae problem if its directed towards the sand bed a bit.

If you dont want another goby, id highly suggest upgrading your cleaner pack if you have some extra algae.
Just slowly keep building up your cleaner crew in your tank, as the algae levels become controlled. The cleaners will also clean your rock also which is a big + compared to just the goby.

4lti7ude's 20Gallon Nano Tank
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Old 05-29-2010, 07:39 PM
pendergast pendergast is offline
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I have a 24" Led, white/blue, and one floresant bulb came with the tank. the white/blue leds and floresant stays on from about 7am to 9 pm then turn them off and the blue leds stay on from9pm to 7am. I dont have the money for more lighting yet just buying things as i go. i dont have a timer yet so the lights get turned on when i get up and off when i go to bed i try and keep it around the same times though
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Old 05-29-2010, 07:41 PM
pendergast pendergast is offline
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I had brown algy starting to grow on my sand i dont know thats the same thing you have going on, but when i did i just bought a bunch of reef hermits and they cleaned it up.

Originally Posted by smallfish View Post
Hey folks im fairly new to saltwater tanks, i've been running just under a year now and my sand is started to turn brown. I thought it was over feeding but i've changed my feeding cycle to every second day, but it dosen't seem to help. My tank is 46 gal. with 20 gal. sump. 2 chromis,1 manderin,1yellow tang,2 clowns, 1 sand siffting gobbie,cleaner shrimp and lots of lps.
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Old 05-29-2010, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by pendergast View Post
I have a 24" Led, white/blue, and one floresant bulb came with the tank. the white/blue leds and floresant stays on from about 7am to 9 pm then turn them off and the blue leds stay on from9pm to 7am. I dont have the money for more lighting yet just buying things as i go. i dont have a timer yet so the lights get turned on when i get up and off when i go to bed i try and keep it around the same times though
7am-9pm would be 15 hours of light.
Maybe a couple hours less of the main lights to start with the water changes.
Water changes once a week until it clears up should work well.
Remember to make sure your first initial water change you get as much of the debris as you can.

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Old 05-30-2010, 03:15 PM
pendergast pendergast is offline
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just flipping the lid up overnight has actualy helped alot. didnt think it would do that much that fast. i just added new fish yesterday as well. i got rid of my blue demsel, was worried about him goin after the new fish. I got a dwarf lionfish and a lawnmower blenny Does anyone know of where you can get 36" led lighting for a reasonable price?

Thanx for all your help
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