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Old 05-27-2010, 02:14 AM
Spicer Spicer is offline
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Default Many Fowler Questions

Heres the deal.

A friend of mines tank crashed, and he FORCED me to take a very small yellow tang.

My current tanks are: 9Gal/12Gal and a 30Gal FW.

So currently, Im ****ed.

I will turn the 30gal into a fowler tank, just to house this thing temporarily.
I know it needs more space, but hey, its in the 12 now so dont hate.
I had no choice but to take it or flush it.

It also came with ich, so Im double ****ed.

I want it out of my 12 asap!

How fast can I stick it in the 30? Alone obviously.
And I would rather not get 30 lbs of lr, id rather grab 10lbs, and use base rock for the rest...
I dont mind using ceramic rings or something...
I have 2 HOBS on the tank, so I can throw some ceramic in em no problem.

Can I also use my stock freshwater lights? Or will the rock die over time?
The stupid base pcs that come in a normal tank hood.
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Old 05-27-2010, 03:25 AM
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Is there any live rock from your friends system in the 12g with the tang? exactly what is in that 12g?? If not then you will need to do a lot of water changes (shouldn't be hard with 12g) because there is no beneficial bacteria culture.

As for the 30g, if you do happen to have cycled live rock from your friend you can plunk that into the 30g assuming the rock wasn't out of water for too long. Observe any ammonia and/or nitrite spikes by testing daily. You may or may not have a spike (mini cycle) with the old live rock in there. If you don't notice any within the first week(ish) you should be okay.

If you have no live rock present and are truely starting from scratch then I would recommend finding someone locally that can babysit or adopt the tang while you set up the new tank as it will take a few weeks before it is ready. It sounds like the tang is already stressed quite a bit and his immune system compromised. This means he is extra sensitive to any amount of ammonia and/or nitrites which is not good..

Anyway good luck, hope he pulls through.
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Old 05-27-2010, 03:37 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I've had fully cured rock transfered from one tank to another and had fish in it the same day without problems. The trick is to keep the fully cured rock submerged so there is no die off. You may want to treat the tang for ich in the 12 gallon and do daily small water changes to keep up with pollutants for a few days. Of course none of these situations is ideal and you could always give this fish away on Canreef or a LFS who is set up to take a tang, I'm sure someone would take it very quickly. As you correctly pointed out a 30g is too small for a tang and you would soon require at least a 75g tank to house the fish so it's up to you how far you want to take this fish.
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Old 05-27-2010, 04:35 AM
Spicer Spicer is offline
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The 12g is actually a tank I have setup atm with corals.
I only had a Cleaner Shrimp, Six Line Wrasse, and Fire Fish in there.

The Fire Fish died of ich I would assume tonight.
Did a water change - About 2g. (Really handy having 10g sw ready at all times)

The cleaner is hard @ work on the six line wrasse who has ich, and the tang is just chilling around, with ich.

I could surely bring cured rock completely submerged home.
At least 15lbs of it or so.

Then some base rock.
Will 15lbs of cured lr seed 15-20lbs of base rock?

And also, can I just use the plain old hood lights for now?

Last edited by Spicer; 05-27-2010 at 04:42 AM.
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Old 05-27-2010, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Spicer View Post
The 12g is actually a tank I have setup atm with corals.
I only had a Cleaner Shrimp, Six Line Wrasse, and Fire Fish in there.

The Fire Fish died of ich I would assume tonight.
Did a water change - About 2g. (Really handy having 10g sw ready at all times)

The cleaner is hard @ work on the six line wrasse who has ich, and the tang is just chilling around, with ich.

I could surely bring cured rock completely submerged home.
At least 15lbs of it or so.

Then some base rock.
Will 15lbs of cured lr seed 15-20lbs of base rock?

And also, can I just use the plain old hood lights for now?
Do you know what caused the crash in your friend's tank? Plunking the stressed out Tang into your previously established 12g may not have been a great idea as you may have introduced some nasty bacteria and/or parasites into that tank. That is, if the tang is sick because the old tank it was in was infected with something, you may have infected your 12g tank as well. Something potentially more devastating than ich like marine velvet (which in its early stages looks just like ich).

Before bringing anything from the other tank determine what caused the crash. If it was biological in nature then you'll have to take further steps..

yes, 15lbs of live rock will help seed your baserock.

For a fish only with live rock tank the "plain old hood lights" will be fine. The live rock does not need powerful lighting
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Old 05-27-2010, 01:19 PM
Spicer Spicer is offline
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
Do you know what caused the crash in your friend's tank? Plunking the stressed out Tang into your previously established 12g may not have been a great idea as you may have introduced some nasty bacteria and/or parasites into that tank. That is, if the tang is sick because the old tank it was in was infected with something, you may have infected your 12g tank as well. Something potentially more devastating than ich like marine velvet (which in its early stages looks just like ich).

Before bringing anything from the other tank determine what caused the crash. If it was biological in nature then you'll have to take further steps..

yes, 15lbs of live rock will help seed your baserock.

For a fish only with live rock tank the "plain old hood lights" will be fine. The live rock does not need powerful lighting

Yep, I screwed myself.

Six Line - Dead
FireFish - Dead

In my attempt to not have to kill his fish, Ive killed 2 of my own.

I ment cracked, and not crashed, sorry bout that.
And he refuses to buy another tank.
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Old 05-27-2010, 04:17 PM
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MIght as well leave it in the 12gal until the ich subsides.

If anythingm you WILL kill the tang by rushing a tank setup, even with the new additives avaliable for our usage.

The fastest I ever got a NEW tank up and running was 2 weeks, with cured rock, and Stability. I would not suggest that for everyone.

Ken - BWA

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