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Old 04-25-2010, 03:52 AM
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Originally Posted by kien View Post
oh man... I too bow to the fish room! If only.. instead I have to resort to use the dining room which doesn't always go over well with the life partner.

LOL, we bought this house with the fishroom in mind. The realtor would always ask us "so is it fish friendly?" We probably looked at a good 20+ houses (yes I know thats not that many), some gorgeous but if it didn't have room for the tank it was a no go
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Old 04-25-2010, 05:38 AM
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Originally Posted by christyf5 View Post
LOL, we bought this house with the fishroom in mind. The realtor would always ask us "so is it fish friendly?" We probably looked at a good 20+ houses (yes I know thats not that many), some gorgeous but if it didn't have room for the tank it was a no go

Ha! I bet that's the first "fish friendly" sale that realtor closed. I bet he went home and watched Nemo after the deal was closed. Either that or tells the other realtors over coffee about the two weird "fishy" people he sold a house to.
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Old 04-25-2010, 06:30 AM
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Wow, I'm impressed!!!! Up to a tour some time?
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Old 04-25-2010, 07:47 AM
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You have some nice things happening there. Love the fish room, you have so much Hope your clams are being left alone. You'll have to get a good pic of the squamosa and as for the red ricordea - sweet !

150g reef, 55g sump, T5's, Vertech 200A, Profilux III - German made is highly over rated, should just say Gerpan made.

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Old 04-25-2010, 03:49 PM
SeaHorse_Fanatic SeaHorse_Fanatic is offline
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We bought our place so I don't have to move all my tanks, but alas, no fishroom. Congrats on the new place & sweet setup there Christy. Must be nice to have a fishroom finally.

If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!
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Old 04-25-2010, 06:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Gee View Post
Wow, I'm impressed!!!! Up to a tour some time?

Hey long time no hear!!! Yeah anytime!

Originally Posted by Lance
Ha! I bet that's the first "fish friendly" sale that realtor closed. I bet he went home and watched Nemo after the deal was closed. Either that or tells the other realtors over coffee about the two weird "fishy" people he sold a house to.
Oh I'm sure they get lots of odd requests I do think the realtor was getting a bit frustrated though, there were lots of "perfectly good" houses that we passed on cuz there was no room for the tank.
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Old 05-01-2010, 01:25 AM
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So I installed a Tunze6100 in the tank today. Decided to use my sure-grip magnet holder cuz its smaller. Its been in a drawer since I started the new tank. As I picked it up I noticed it had separated:

and upon further inspection:

Awesomeness! Its a wonder anything grew in the old tank, except more rust. Sheesh!

My photography skills have deteriorated to the point where I only have two decent photos for you. Sometimes that little screen on my digicam is so deceiving. I think I've gotten the shot and then on my computer its fuzz city or the colors are off. Grr!

Anyway, some neat-o sponges (yes the green slime battle rages on):

The majority of this coral got nuked by the UV bulb incident. It had a couple of branches that survived and I really liked this corals growth pattern and "yellowy-ness" so I figured what the heck. There was also a pink pocillipora and purple rimmed cap attached to the same rock. The pocillipora just tucked in its polyps and weathered the UV storm while the purple rimmed cap said "see ya, buh-bye". Anyway, I'm glad I kept everyone intact as you can see the yellow acro is coming in nicely, the pink pocilipora is well, ridiculously pink and I think there is even some purple rimmed cap under there somewhere

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Old 05-01-2010, 03:06 AM
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I had a couple Suregrip magnets do the same thing. Love the pinks in the picture, one of the colours I miss the most from days past.
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Old 05-17-2010, 01:58 AM
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I haven't paid much attention to the tank other than feeding and making sure the ATO has enough water in it (been woken up 2x now by the "low" alarm, why does it always go off at like 3am?!). My neglect of the tank is actually helping...well that and the phosban I am running again. The cyano is now only in a couple of patches and I'm pretty sure if I siphon it well it might disappear quicker. The green slimy crap is still hanging on, its a tenacious bugger and gives the tank a yellowy cast.

The regal tang is still going to town on the clams, he's even testing out my prized blue maxima and I am less than impressed. I can't believe how much food it takes to satisfy that fish. Its crazy. I've incorporated nori back into his diet (that was me being lazy and not feeding it) as well as 2x daily feedings of mysis (gee I wonder why I had cyano?).

Poontang made me a plexiglass viewing box so I could take some overhead shots. Sadly I didn't really factor my lighting into photo taking. Even at its highest raised point it still fries the back of my head and well, leaning over the tank taking pics with an SLR trying to look in the viewer, um not the easiest, esp with 400 degrees cooking the back of your head. Here are some photos of the ones that turned out. Unfortunately the "best" corals are the highest up on the rock and didn't get photographed as I need a better lens with a shorter focal range.

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Old 05-17-2010, 02:01 AM
saltwaterseahorses saltwaterseahorses is offline
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Looks great! Happy it went along good!
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