05-02-2010, 11:13 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Greater Vancouver
Posts: 4
Canreef MODS, my apologies for posting this. There seems to be a lot of confusion and misrepresentation about Munster Tanks. I would love to clarify any and all false statements made on this thread. I will address comments made by each of the Canreef Members below:
Originally Posted by mseepman
Hmm Interesting. The guy from Munster tanks represents himself on some of the forums as the guy who builds his own tanks...if they come from Bow Valley, his pricing jumps a lot!!
Hi mseepman. I wanted to clarify your confusion about Munster Tanks and how it operates its business. Munster Tanks has NEVER represented itself 'as the guy who builds his own tanks...'.
Instead, Munster Tanks has always promoted itself as a supplier of 'Premium Quality Monster Aquariums'. The company designs, builds, buys, in fact whatever it takes to get the customer what they want. If price is the main factor, I determine the course of action based on the application, budget, needs and requirements of the client.
Originally Posted by Rahim101
We supply Corwin Luke with all of his non bowfont tanks.
Hi Rahim. Thanks for your input. Just to clarify, I have NEVER purchased or done business with Source Aquatics. However, Bow Valley and I go a long way back. As a former National Account Manager for a Major Glass Manufacturer in the past, I used to supply glass to Bow Valley. I acquire ready-made tanks, glass to make tanks, glass for others to make us tanks, etc, from several sources.
To clarify further, Bow Valley is NOT my 'bread and butter' or even my main source of aquariums and tanks. This is due primarily to the fact that anyone can buy from Bow Valley. I support those that are loyal to me and are in it for a win-win relationship. I deal with manufacturers that sell only to re-sellers, like myself.
Originally Posted by Blowfish
yeah he tries to tell people he builds his own tanks, my friend had bought a tank from him and payed lets just say alot more then what he would have paid if he had bought it directly from bow valley, suffice it to say he was not happy as he was told by corwin he was getting a custom crafted tank with all the perfect seams/edges and silicone work. Its surprising that Oceanic Corals has partnered with Munster tanks considering all this.
Hi Blowfish. Thanks for your post. You as well, seem to be confused and mis-directed about Munster Tanks offering and services. First of all, I do not 'try to tell people', I do tell people that I make, have made and mostly get made most of my tanks for me. Secondly, until the BCA Aquaria site crash, I had a 100% I-Trader rating from my clients, which really contradicts you saying 'your friend'. I would really like to settle this 'issue' outside of this forum, if in fact it exists.
I find it personally 'very high school', very childish, very cowardly that someone would post on a forum issues that a friend has with me. I can be reached personally anytime by anyone at: 604.837.8998 or at munstertanks@gmail.com
Last but not least, partnering up with Oceanic Corals is not the surprise. The surprise is your unfortunate post that is absolutely false an untrue.