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Old 03-22-2010, 04:42 AM
jassz jassz is offline
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Default Adding to the tank

Hello experts.

I currently have 135g FOWLR tank, with a 40g sump, a protein skimmer and a Fluval 404 canister filter. It's inhabitants are a large mellow lion fish (about a foot long), a wolf eel (about a foot and a half long) a picasso trigger (about 6 inches) and a little valentini puffer (fully grown, but the smallest of the group). Lately the tank has been taken over by aiptasia (sp?) anemone, which I wouldn't really mind as some of them are quite pretty, but I think they are bothering the fish a bit. I see what I think are sting marks periodically on all of them, but I am most worried about the trigger, who likes to park himself in the rocks at night but I think there are soon going to be no spots he can go. Maybe I worry too much. Anyway, I read that the auriga butterfly is good at removing the anemone, and I kind of wanted another fish anyway. Do you think this would be a good fit? None of them have particularily aggressive personalities.
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Old 03-23-2010, 08:30 PM
Jessie55 Jessie55 is offline
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Aptaisa eating file fish comes to mind
My 55 Gal Reef
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Old 03-23-2010, 08:38 PM
Pier Pressure Pier Pressure is offline
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Oh man get rid of those as soon as you can. They spread like wildfire and are a true PITA once they get out of control. We had an outbreak once and it took months to get them outta there! We used manual removal for our little tank plus injecting them with Joe Juice.
28 Gallon Saltwater Reef Aquarium
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Old 03-23-2010, 11:38 PM
lodidodi lodidodi is offline
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I had an infestation of aiptasia in my tank. The buggers are very difficult to get rid of manually. I tried several different products with no success. They always came back and in greater numbers. I bought an auriga butterfly and within 2 weeks the tank was clean. If you have space that's the way to go. Just make sure it's eating before you take it home.
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Old 03-24-2010, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by jassz View Post
Hello experts.

I currently have 135g FOWLR tank, with a 40g sump, a protein skimmer and a Fluval 404 canister filter. It's inhabitants are a large mellow lion fish (about a foot long), a wolf eel (about a foot and a half long) a picasso trigger (about 6 inches) and a little valentini puffer (fully grown, but the smallest of the group). Lately the tank has been taken over by aiptasia (sp?) anemone, which I wouldn't really mind as some of them are quite pretty, but I think they are bothering the fish a bit. I see what I think are sting marks periodically on all of them, but I am most worried about the trigger, who likes to park himself in the rocks at night but I think there are soon going to be no spots he can go. Maybe I worry too much. Anyway, I read that the auriga butterfly is good at removing the anemone, and I kind of wanted another fish anyway. Do you think this would be a good fit? None of them have particularily aggressive personalities.
If you can set up another tank to house the fish I would do so and add 2 peppermint shrimp that will clean up your main tank. very slowly acclimate carefully and remove them before you add the fish back.
Shrimp and others will be eaten by your predators and IMO a butterfly will not survive with the predators.
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