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Old 02-01-2010, 11:14 PM
iansfishy iansfishy is offline
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Default FS- 180 gallon kinda cube tank with livestock

-180 gallon ( 4x3x2high) starphire glass tank. Drilled for closed loop in bottom and back. Euro braced, not a single scratch. year old
- 45 gallon glass sump
- 100 gallon rubbermaid refugium
-35 gallon drilled frag tank, 40 gallon QT tank
- 3 reeflo pumps - snapper, tarpon( return), barracuda gold ( closed loop)
- 4 foot Aquaticnics solar flare
all bulbs three months old
- 4 foot acadia MH, bulbs three months old ( phoenix 14k)
- Pentair aquatics 80 watt UV sterilizer. ( has 2 brand new bulbs)
- GHL doser. six months old
- ASM G4 skimmer. 1 year old
- Tunze ATO
- Oceans motions 4 way. All the insides are new
- some cheap refugium light
- Three Two Little fishies phosban reactors ( I used one for phosban, one for carbon, the other I dont know if all the parts are there)
- Spectrapure RO/DI. year old
- 1 50 gallon mixing drum
-1 60 gallon Nalgene fresh water reservoire
- maybe six or seven smaller powerheads ( koralias, and maxijet)
- light timers, powerbars, grounding probe
Tons of misc. stuff - test kits, Rowaphos, carbon, balling salts, small water jugs for balling, filter socks , food, algae clips, heaters etc.
- refractometer
- PH monitor
- All the plumbing you can handle
- sailfin Tang ( three years old)
- Naso Tang ( two years old)
- yellow tang ( three years old)
- Coral Hawk ( oldest fish at 5 years old)
- Yellow wrasse
- six line wrasse
- Pajama cardinal
- potters angel ( three years old)
-Large pink BTA with hosting clown
-2 Well fed cleaner shrimp
- med Squamosa
-Med to large Dersa
- lots of large Nassarius
- couple of trochu snails
- couple of emerald crabs

There is alot of coral so Ill put a few and then more if someone asks
- HUGE frogspawn ( has about 40 heads, but the four main are about 20 inches across at the best)
- Bright pink birdsnest about a foot across
- Large green monti
-Robins egg acro about 8 inches around and 8 inches tall
- Large red open brain
- large Ricordia yuma rock, with both pink and blue rics
- HUGE Snappys purple passion Digitata
- There really is alot of pieces I dont have the time to name. But I will take closer pics if someone really is interested
- 200 lbs liverock
- 200 lbs of sand. ( some in the tank, most in the refugium, about 60 lbs in a rubbermaid container).

$3000.00 bucks. Im not going to part out, unless someone wants all the livestock. But I am open to offers. Keeping in mind that I am in the interior, so if you come get it we can make a deal. Thanks for looking!
Wait... you just rode your $40000.00 bagger here and now your staying in a hotel? Ya that '79 shovelhead chop just BLEW by ya! ADIOS.

Last edited by iansfishy; 01-25-2011 at 02:33 PM. Reason: Added equipment
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Old 02-02-2010, 03:03 PM
iansfishy iansfishy is offline
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wholly, fast moving pages last night. Anyway, to the front for a bit anyway.
Wait... you just rode your $40000.00 bagger here and now your staying in a hotel? Ya that '79 shovelhead chop just BLEW by ya! ADIOS.
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Old 02-02-2010, 06:01 PM
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Wow this is my dream tank! Wish I had a place for it in my townhouse good luck with the sale. Free bump for a screaming deal!
60" 120G project-DONE!!!!
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Old 02-02-2010, 10:05 PM
iansfishy iansfishy is offline
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All PMs are replied to. Thanks to everyone who has shown interest. A couple people asked "whats wrong with it"? "why you selling?" The problem is that there is nothing wrong with the system. I dont neglect it at all. I spend WAY to much time on it. the stuff I need to take care of daily sometimes doesnt get taken care of, and with a ranch and a number of different jobs, chores start to add up real quick.
I may be willing to bring it to someone if they REALLLLLLY wanted. I know how people from the coast get all sweaty and shakey and nervous at the first glimpse of snow, I wouldnt want to put that kind of strain on someone to come here and get it! ( kidding). I got lots of the white stuff, Ill even throw it in with the tank, so you'll have at least one truck load for the olympics!
Wait... you just rode your $40000.00 bagger here and now your staying in a hotel? Ya that '79 shovelhead chop just BLEW by ya! ADIOS.
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Old 02-03-2010, 03:27 PM
iansfishy iansfishy is offline
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I added a couple UV sterilizers and some Two Little Fishies Reactors to the list, that I just thought of.
Wait... you just rode your $40000.00 bagger here and now your staying in a hotel? Ya that '79 shovelhead chop just BLEW by ya! ADIOS.
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Old 02-04-2010, 04:26 AM
belzebuth belzebuth is offline
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free bump, nice setup
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Old 07-06-2010, 10:45 PM
iansfishy iansfishy is offline
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OK, so the couple people that did come look at this set-up where "new' reefers, and I wasn't really confortable with selling it at the time. Now its summer once again and Im only home a couple days a year it is for sale once again. I am not in a panick to sell it so I wil not part out, ship, any of that good stuff. I do have a truck however so I will help the buyer move the whole thing. Over the winter and spring everything had been growing like crazy. there are a few changes however- a) there is no longer a yellow wrasse. b) the pentair UV sterilizer is working with all new parts now. c) there is now two large rbta. (there was one). d) all the bulbs where changed about a month ago. e) there is no longer a coralife UV sterilizer. f) there is a new magnum pump running the sterilizer and reactors. I would like to stress that this is a very self sufficiant setup and not alot of work needs to be done to maintain it, but it will still take someone with experience to look after it. thanks again
Wait... you just rode your $40000.00 bagger here and now your staying in a hotel? Ya that '79 shovelhead chop just BLEW by ya! ADIOS.
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Old 07-07-2010, 09:25 PM
iansfishy iansfishy is offline
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all pms replied to. Thanks to those showing interest
Wait... you just rode your $40000.00 bagger here and now your staying in a hotel? Ya that '79 shovelhead chop just BLEW by ya! ADIOS.
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Old 07-12-2010, 02:04 AM
iansfishy iansfishy is offline
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so I have a few people wanting all the livestock, so if anyone is interested in the equipment I can figure out a price for just that as well. I will make a complete list of the coral as well. If I did part out equipment is there anything anyone would want? thanks
Wait... you just rode your $40000.00 bagger here and now your staying in a hotel? Ya that '79 shovelhead chop just BLEW by ya! ADIOS.
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Old 07-12-2010, 02:15 AM
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Could be interested in a few things, depends on what your asking for them and where you are.
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