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Old 12-21-2009, 06:07 PM
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Originally Posted by andestang View Post
Looking terrific Dez, you still have the touch . What did you decide on your lighting (KZ's)?
I'm still not sure about the lighting. I went to a friend's place to see what the fiji purples look like. I'll probably go to another friend's place to see what the VHO's look like. The Fiji purples look nice, but I didn't see them with actinics. Still trying to track down someone with a used 48" bulb that they want to give a away before I make my decision.
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Old 12-21-2009, 08:08 PM
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Hey Des, your tank is looking wicked colors are really comig out as well as growth, great job !
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Old 12-22-2009, 03:13 AM
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Originally Posted by lobsterboy View Post
Hey Des, your tank is looking wicked colors are really comig out as well as growth, great job !
Thanks John,

Really like seeing corals colour up. It's so strange how one coral will be green in a friend's tank and turn yellow in your own. Or it might be brown in one's and pink in another.
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Old 12-22-2009, 03:22 AM
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Somewhat sad news. I have RED BUGS.

I sort of knew about a month and a half ago. I bought some frags off of a fellow canreefer and upon inspecting a frag, I saw the red bugs. I proceeded to do an Interceptor dip to a few of the smooth skinned acros even though I didn't see any bugs on them.

I thought I had caught it early enough. The one frag that I dipped and the bugs disappeared has changed tremendously without the red bugs bugging it. It used to be whitish baby blue, now it's a rich teal colour and there are no signs of bugs anymore. The polyp extension has increased substantially also.

However, I was enjoying my tank tonight and looked really closely at my large acro colony and saw a bug run accross it. Then I saw another
I saw 3 of them in total on that large colony. So I think they're just starting. Upon inspecting my other corals, it doesn't look like they are affected, but I'm going to do a full tank treatment anyway to be safe, once the lights are out. Then I'll do another in a week, and the final one another week later.

I know that many people dip their corals before it goes into the display. What do you guys dip them in. I'm more scared of acropora eating flatworms then red bugs.

I know that if you buy from some reputable suppliers like CORAL MASTER, it voids the warranty if you dip the corals.

What are your thoughts?

I've never dipped any corals in the years I've been in the hobby. I guess it's never too late to start. Any suggestions?
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Old 12-22-2009, 04:32 AM
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I dip either with Tropic Marin's Pro Coral Cure, or ReVive (which smells like Mr. Clean). Usually I dip with ReVive initially, then let them sit in QT then later dip with TMPCC.
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Old 12-22-2009, 04:48 AM
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Originally Posted by michika View Post
I dip either with Tropic Marin's Pro Coral Cure, or ReVive (which smells like Mr. Clean). Usually I dip with ReVive initially, then let them sit in QT then later dip with TMPCC.
Do you dip all corals in that, or just sps? What kind of pests are those dips supposed to get rid of? I am such a dip noob.
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Old 12-22-2009, 04:51 AM
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I'm thinking of dipping all smooth skinned sps corals I get with an Interceptor bath. Unless it's from a trusted source.
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Old 12-22-2009, 05:35 AM
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Even from "trusted" sources you can pick up nasties. I almost got an AEFW infestation since a trusted vendor advised not dipping their frags to minimize "stress" and to not void their stay alive guarantee.

I ended up finding a single small AEFW on a frag, and then proceeded to spend the next few weeks worrying about and watching out for any other infestation of my tank (which didn't occur, thankfully).

IMO, I don't care who it is anymore, I dip.
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Old 12-22-2009, 05:45 AM
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Originally Posted by shrimpchips View Post
Even from "trusted" sources you can pick up nasties. I almost got an AEFW infestation since a trusted vendor advised not dipping their frags to minimize "stress" and to not void their stay alive guarantee.

I ended up finding a single small AEFW on a frag, and then proceeded to spend the next few weeks worrying about and watching out for any other infestation of my tank (which didn't occur, thankfully).

IMO, I don't care who it is anymore, I dip.
Do those dips that Catherine mentioned take care of the AEFW and Red Bugs? These are the 2 main sps pests out there right? I'm still pretty new at the sps thing.
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Old 12-22-2009, 09:25 AM
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Hey Dez!

Wow this build came a long way and looks AWESOME! Great job with everything you did! Your workmanship is great!

I had poked my nose in here awhile back, closer to the beginning and wow what a change! Keep up the good work!

Lol, I noticed your waterchange bin/system is very similar in appearance and parts to my R/O supply system. I have the identical white bin (though I also have the 60g version) and a mag in the bottom with similar appearance in plumbing comming out and the same notch in the lid, lol.
- About that bin, cause some people asked: Those white bins like that are available in TONS of different shapes and sizes from Polyrama Plastics in Edmonton. They have several sizing pages available at the store, but all the volumes there are in imperial gallons. The prices are great for the bins!

Cheers Dez, and thanks for sharing!

No more tanks - Laying off the ReefCrack for awhile!
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