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Old 12-09-2009, 12:27 AM
stricknine stricknine is offline
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Default If I can't sell out, I need some help!

The title says it all,

I'm looking to sell out my complete set up (no, sorry, I don't want to part out!), and posted a thread in the hardware forum (link below).

If I cant get rid of the whole set up, I may need to look at hiring out maintenance as the whole driver to me wanting to get rid of it all is that I simply do not have the time for a lot of the up keep - and without scheduled upkeep, things go from bad to worse in a hurry.

If anyone can pass this on to someone that may be interested: 1st - Looking to buy a set up, and 2nd - Reliable maintenance persons (whether it be private, or a local company) I would really appreciate it. In addition, let me know if you would recommend a local provider.

Check out the thread!

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Old 12-09-2009, 11:35 PM
eugene eugene is offline
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how are you today? just checking some new threads and i came across yours. if your interested in getting someone to maintain your system i know of a place here in edmonton that does it at a fairly reasonable price. the store is called aquarium designs. my dentist uses them periodically he was telling me during a tooth extraction(ouch) that they dont charge as much as other companies here. i wasnt able to ask how much cheaper(no big surprise) but he said he swears by them and judging by the tank in his office i would have to agree

hope everything is ok.
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