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Old 11-19-2009, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by lastlight View Post
I thought ca and alk are used in different amounts. Do you compensate for this by altering the concentrations of each solution?
Yes, as stated above, once the levels are adjusted manually they are supposed be dosed at equal amounts. The Randy Holmes two part mixture for calcium and Alk is calculated to replace the elements at the same levels they are depleted. I would not run two dosing pumps; however, you would want to make sure each tube that drips the elements are in a separate part of the system or sump.

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Old 11-19-2009, 09:09 PM
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If you look at the price of this pump (and I'm sure it's good) it's very evident how good a deal that 3 channel Profilux is. Not a low-cost solution. Just sayin'. I also want independent control.

I think my system will be jugs by the sump with the pump nozzles hanging over into the tank lol. Open the door, pump each however many times and DONE. For now anyways.

There's also Doug's system. I think he's patented the 'cup on a platform' technique. You could combine that with my jugs by sump idea. Pump whatever you need into your dosing cups (connected to each jug with tubing from pump nozzles) and it doses slowly in.
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Old 11-19-2009, 09:16 PM
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I don't know how serious you are with that but to be honest I quite like that idea!!! We can call it the BrettNDoug (pronounced "brettendug") method. Then, down the road when the calcium demands rise to to the point where more automation is preferred, you hire a student to pump the jugs on an hourly basis.
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Old 11-19-2009, 09:23 PM
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This must be one of the longest thread titles in Canreef history...
180G Office Reef. Started Sept 2012

62G Starfire Reef. Started Jan 2013
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Old 11-19-2009, 09:25 PM
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LMAO! I think the cup looks a touch ghetto but I actually might do something like that haha.
My 67 392 225 101 94 34 97 404 28 93 209 gallon reef.
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Old 11-19-2009, 10:13 PM
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Hi Mindy I use the good old Kalk Reactor to supplment my Demand for CAL and ALK. I have it running with the Topp off too its tee'd from the RO/DI . the dripper runs 24/7 on a drip rate of 1 drip every 2 -3 sec's and it is keeping my levels perfect.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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Old 11-20-2009, 02:26 AM
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Thanks guys!

I'm trying to stay away from a doser for now - the whole purpose of this thread. I want to put a doser on the tank, but there are other upgrades that are required before that. Like an ATO. I need one of those badly.

I have considered a Kalk reactor, but it is not much cheaper than a doser anyway. I think I will probably just stick to manual dosing, but I should get my butt in gear and figure out daily dosing. Sigh...
~ Mindy

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Old 11-20-2009, 02:28 AM
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Well there ya go. 3 head peri-style doser pump, Ca, Alk and topup. First two on timers or the pump controller if you have one like that, and the last one on a float switch. Done and done. Hey, I'm just looking out for you here.

PS. Or a 4 head, Ca, Alk, Mg, and topup.
-- Tony
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Old 11-20-2009, 01:19 PM
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The drip method is actually not my idea.....lets give credit where credit is due....I borrowed that idea from the sps master hiseff....Greg. He was dosing the 180 like that and the big tank for a while before he got his profilux....

We made a ghetto setup at the store...we used a couple small powerheads timed to come on for 1 minute and the flow rate is dialed in with a small inline ball valve.....we used a 10g tank for a holding tank divided in two by a baffle, Ca on one side DKH on the other....we still manually dose Mg.
260g mixed reef, 105g sump, water blaster 7000 return, Bubble King SM 300 skimmer, Aqua Controller Jr, 4 radions, 3 Tunze 6055s,1 tunze 6065, 2 Vortech MP40s, Vortech MP20, Tunze ATO, GHL SA2 doser, 2 TLF reactors (1 carbon, 1 rowa). . Tank Video here and here
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Old 11-20-2009, 02:12 PM
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I use the Profilux 3 pump doser. I'm only using 2 pumps for CA and Alk. Works really well. Havn;t had an issue at all with it.

My old Tank Shut down Jan 2011
New 220G build about to start
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