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Old 10-29-2009, 06:39 PM
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That's so funny, I was sent pictures of your tank as an example the other day from kevin...I dig it man!
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Old 10-29-2009, 07:13 PM
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Originally Posted by rjengen View Post
Just an update for you guys...First thanks for the inputs. I got in touch with Kevin at Red Coral in Calgary (16hr round trip to pick this tank up when it's ready...yikes!!!) and he's going to be putting the tank together for me. I was a little picky about the size of the tank, but other then that I've given him pretty much a clean canvans to work off otherwords...make it look nice!

It's going to be a 75g (ish) with starphire front, eurobraced top, polished and beveled corners. Bottom is going to be drilled for the sump, and a closed loops system, and the back will be tinted black. So here's to my happy dance
I used to live in GP as well. I would make trips to edmonton and sometimes calgary so I feel your pain. If you can make a 2 or 3 day trip its worth hitting up all the stores down here just to look around.
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Old 10-29-2009, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by rjengen View Post
That's so funny, I was sent pictures of your tank as an example the other day from kevin...I dig it man!
thanks, but trust me when i say that the external overflow is worth it. unless you put it in the corner aquascaping is a huge pain in the butt and you need something to add flow for those corners.

I do plan on getting another tank built and will be going back to kevin for it
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Old 10-29-2009, 09:58 PM
eugene eugene is offline
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it looks like you have already made your decision. congrats. i spoke with my cousin in st paul last night about the store aquarium designs that i had mentioned in a previous post, what he told me was that concept aquariums and aquarium illusions were the same company, and that aquarium designs told him that they have a lowest price guarantee especially when dealing with tenecor tanks. i guess they gave him direct pricing from tenecor and on top of that looked after the fees and stuff so my cousin would have actually spent more going to tenecor directly. he was saying that the guys at aquarium designs went as far as getting a tenecor rep on the phone while he was in there to get prices and auarium designs matched the price got him a bunch of extra stuff and shipped it to him in st paul. he couldnt say enough good about these guys so i am going to check it out myself. it sounds like the best deal out there to me. anyways i know you have already made a decision but since i paid for a long distance phone call i figured that i would post the information that i found out. maybe it can help in future purchases. if your like me i work for my money so if i can get a better deal on what i think is a better product ....
anyways congrats i gotta admit im a little jealous it looks like a reallt nice tank from the pics that were posted of the tank like yours.
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Old 11-03-2009, 05:28 AM
busypencil busypencil is offline
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Aquarium Illusions are having their sales soon check with them.
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