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Old 08-23-2009, 03:37 AM
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Default Ca/Mg Rx; BK Skimmers; AquaLight Pros; Chillers; ZeoVit Rx's; etc.

Mainlanders…will not ship, however, am willing to deliver big ticket item(s) to buyer(s) at turn-off along Tsawassen Ferry Terminal causeway. The catch?...add $120 to pay for my ferry fare to and back.

Mainlanders…re: the lights…my car is not conducive to transporting these. If there is a whack of interest on the other items, I could perhaps rent a van. Or….you could come visit sunny Victoria and get them then .

AquaCare Turbo 2 Ca / Mg Reactor, etc. Complete.

Comes with...
AquaCare Turbo 2 Calcium Reactor
AquaCare Magnesium Tube
AquaCare BasiTech III CO2 Controller
Milwaukee MA957 CO2 Regulator
20lb CO2 Bottle (Full)
Rena 100 Air Pump
Dennerle CO2 specific Check Valve
MaxiJet 1200 Powerhead with...
Sure Grip 100 Magnetic Holder
Noma Digital Timer with....
Pigtail Cord
5kg Calcium Granules
2.5kg Magnesium Granules

All equipment bought brand new in Dec/08 and Jan/09, but I didn't set it up until May/09. Been running only 3 months. Paid over $1900, before taxes. Have receipts.


2 Bubble King Super Marine 250 Skimmers each with Red Dragon 2000 Pump.

One available now. Purchased about one year ago.
Second one available this Friday (shutting down FOWLR Wed/Thu). Purchased Dec/08.

One difference between the two. Collection cup on first one simply lifts off, while on the second one it screws on and off.

Of note...Bubble Kings, as awesome as they are, do not come with manuals. They are available online. The manual in the picture was printed off their website. Having said that, they don't have a manual for this particular skimmer. At least, not the last time I looked. (I know ). The manual pictured is for a similar skimmer. Having said that, you hardly need one. Once these skimmers are dialed in, they are virtually hands free (other than routine maintenance).

Anyway, blah, blah, blah.

$1,000 each.

2 Coralife Aqualight Pro 3 x 150W MH Light Fixtures

One is ready to go now, the other will be ready to go this Friday.

Both are virtually the same. The only differences are the switches on the ballasts and one is older than the other.

Specs: 72" long; 3 x 150W Metal Halides; 4 x 96W actinics; 4 x 1W Lunar "Moon Glows".

The one I have ready to go now, I bought second hand in Jan/09 for $800. At the time, it was ~ 9 months old. Therefore, it was purchased new ~ April/08. Having said that, the bulbs are original and the MHs are ready for a change. I am including 3 brand new Coralife 14K 150W bulbs with this light (a $216 value).


The second fixture I bought new in 2005 (I think). No sooner than that, anyway. So, it's ~ 4 years old. I haven't change the MH bulbs on this light in over a year. Therefore, I am including 3 brand new Coralife 14K 150W bulbs with this light as well.

Price on the second fixture....$700, due to it being older. However, both are in excellent condition.

I also have two spare legs, so I will include one spare leg with each light.


Last edited by Johnny Reefer; 08-23-2009 at 04:24 AM. Reason: Copy/Paste note to Mainlanders to top of thread.
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Old 08-23-2009, 03:39 AM
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2 Coralife ¼ HP AquaChill Chillers

One available now, the other available this Friday.

The one available now was purchased on Oct 23/07.
The other one was purchased Nov 2/06.
Both come with a Hagen 110 (aka 901) powerhead as the pump.

$350 each.

Here's a pic of the one available now...

2 ZeoVit Reactors. 1 x 3L; 1 x 5L

I can't find the receipts on these, so I can't recall exactly when I purchased them, nor what I paid. My maintenance log says I started the 3L up on Nov 12th/08 and the 5L on Nov 14th/08.

Continuous flow pump for the 5L is a Sedra KSP-5000 and for the 3L a Sedra KSP-3500.

Both have been modified to take a Mag Drive Surge Pump. 5L has a Mag 24 on it; 3L has a Mag 18. Timers included for the surge pumps, programmed to come on for one minute, twice per day. To be clear, this mod is not intended to replace the required manual pumping of the Zeolite daily.

Don't want the mod?.....just cap the tee off.

5L available now; 3L available this Friday.

$300 for the 5L; $200 for the 3L.

Here's a pic of the 5L...

2 Noma 400 Backup Power Systems

One available now, the other available this Friday.

Purchased from C-Tire in 2008. (Can't quite read the exact receipt date. Fading).

Anyway,....$75 each.

Other items…
Mag 18 Pump. Never used. Still in box. $150.
Hagen AquaClear 901 (aka 110) powerhead. $25.
Algae Free Tiger Shark Float Cleaning Magnet. $70.

Mainlanders…will not ship, however, am willing to deliver big ticket item(s) to buyer(s) at turn-off along Tsawassen Ferry Terminal causeway. The catch?...add $120 to pay for my ferry fare to and back.

Mainlanders…re: the lights…my car is not conducive to transporting these. If there is a whack of interest on the other items, I could perhaps rent a van. Or….you could come visit sunny Victoria and get them then .

Cheers ,

Last edited by Johnny Reefer; 08-23-2009 at 04:24 AM. Reason: Added pics
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Old 08-23-2009, 04:22 AM
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Old 08-23-2009, 05:23 PM
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Sales pending on....

1 Skimmer (the newer one)
1 Chiller

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Old 08-25-2009, 05:12 PM
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Sales pending on....

1 Skimmer (the newer one)
Both Chillers

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Old 08-25-2009, 09:44 PM
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Default p/supply

would like both of them (pm'd you on tgvas) can make arrangements to p/u on weekend. thanks, kim
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Old 08-26-2009, 01:21 PM
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I've decided to keep one of the BK skimmers.

Sale still pending on the other one for Friday.

Sales still pending on both chillers.

Everything else still available.

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Old 08-26-2009, 03:52 PM
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Oops. I forgot ...I have a sale pending on both of the Noma Backup Power Supply Units. I'm working two message boards and have alot more stuff for sale on the other board. Hard to keep track, sometimes. summarize....

The Ca / Mg reactor,
Both lights,
Both ZeoVit reactors,
are still available.

And, to reiterate...
Will not ship.
Will not ship.
Will not ship.

Thanx and cheers,
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Old 08-27-2009, 04:37 PM
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Update on the ZeoVit reactors....

Re: The 3L...I've decided to keep this one. I can use it to run carbon for my next system, planned for the distant future.

Re: The 5L...I am going to sell the Mag 24 separately. I have included a plug to cap the tee off.
Price for the reactor with Sedra pump dropped to $200.

To summarize....

The Ca / Mg reactor,
Both lights,
5L ZeoVit reactor,
are still available.

And, to reiterate...
Will not ship.
Will not ship.
Will not ship.

Having said that, I'm planning a trip to the mainland late second week of Sept (Sept 10th'ish), in which case the $120 ferry fare request would not apply.

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Old 08-28-2009, 03:44 PM
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pm sent.
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