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Old 07-11-2009, 04:06 AM
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Stop keeping track and do it fast
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Old 07-11-2009, 04:09 AM
intarsiabox intarsiabox is offline
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I just keep telling the wife that this is the last item I need to buy for awhile, but I when I say it every week-end I'm afraid she's catching on to me!
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Old 07-11-2009, 04:22 AM
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Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
I just keep telling the wife that this is the last item I need to buy for awhile, but I when I say it every week-end I'm afraid she's catching on to me!
LOL, that sounds just like me. I just become acustom to the scowl face. I always say its easier to beg for forgiveness then ask for permission.

Good Luck.
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Old 07-11-2009, 04:34 AM
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Yep I don’t want to keep track I have only had my new tank for just over 4 1/2 months which cost a ton of cash and I am still spending....good thing I only have to answer to myself
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Old 07-11-2009, 05:24 AM
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Originally Posted by intarsiabox View Post
I just keep telling the wife that this is the last item I need to buy for awhile, but I when I say it every week-end I'm afraid she's catching on to me!
Dont fret. She is getting even.
Check the bags in the trunk of her car, the shelf above her clothing in that tiny walk in closet that if full with stuff, and the back of her bedroom drawersl. You will find lots of receipts.
Keep them for the day when she starts complaining about how much you spend on the tank.
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Old 07-11-2009, 07:48 AM
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Sorry to hear this, man... how big is the tank?

For posterity (and since I'm home on a Saturday night), quick tally of what I've spent on my 10 gallon... I don't include the tank, heater, or HOB filters here...

70W ballast - $25
Noma fixture - $35 (DIYed my own MH light)
14K bulb - $25
Wire, tools, electrical tape, connectors - $60
Bucket of Instant Ocean - $100 (waaaay overpriced, tell me about it... I won't forget this one for a long time)
Live rock - $60
Seachem Sand - $40
Test Kits - $100
Refractometer - $45...

The list goes on, and I won't tally what I've spent Cause honestly, I don't wanna know And I haven't even started stocking the tank yet... that's just the equipment and basic stuff I bought to do a very low tech 10 gallon.

I knew this was going to be expensive when I got into it... I feel your pain man. At least I knew what I was doing when I started, I can see now how expensive (and painful) a mistake could be. Precious little comfort... but even unstocked my tank brings me a certain amount of joy.

Perhaps you could offer your wife some consolation... take her snorkelling on a shallow reef somewhere warm in the middle of winter? Then when she sees your tank, it could then conjure up warm memories of a winter vacation with her family. Everybody wins
Planning a 29 gallon mixed reef...
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Old 07-11-2009, 11:21 AM
carnut carnut is offline
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Default cost

Trying having a his and her tank. It starts off innocent, Oh honey just a small tank. Three upgrades later and she has a 150 and he got a 300. two people who say oh just one more and we;ll stop for a while

Don't know if we work for the bank or the fish!!!
tank 1 260 mixed reef, 3 ai hydra , Bubble magus curve 9

tank 2 300 gallon mixed reef. 3 evergrow It5080, skimmer bubble king
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Old 07-11-2009, 12:14 PM
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It's sad when you build a house around a fish tank. That was one stipulation while we we building a house was there had to be the perfect place for a fish tank. We had most of the equipment from our previous fish tanks but I'm still a couple of thousand into the tank so far and I don't even have water in the tank. But my mentality now is - this is all part of the "start up" costs. Once the tank is running it'll just be electricity and food that we'll be spending on the tank
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Old 07-11-2009, 01:19 PM
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I have a very simple philosophy how to handle this situation….

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