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Old 06-01-2009, 05:35 AM
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Chad Chad is offline
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Default FS - 34 gal cube tank Complete system

Ok, need to sell and be picked up BEFORE friday!!

34gal cube, with dual overflow in left corner, one is emerg the other is constant. Comes with custom made sump for the tank stand, MCE 600 skimmer, 250 single mogul light.. a velocity t4 and little giant 2mdq for recirculation.. plus a small return for the sump..a dual stage controller for the heater and fan.

Live stock is two rose anenomes
A fat pyscadelic mandarin (spotted)
a black sailfin blenny
a pair of clowns, one is true perc the other is a ORA onyx.

Lots of small corals.. tank needs a lot of TLC, covered in algae, been gone for a month and I have no time to keep it up..

1000 OBO

I put pictures in my profile, not sure how to link to it. But please have a look.. there are rics and zoa's in there too but man, that algae has over crowded everything. You get whatever is in those pictures (tank related)

Last edited by Chad; 06-01-2009 at 06:05 AM.
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