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Old 06-30-2003, 12:10 AM
oilers1 oilers1 is offline
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Default Edmonton reefers

Hi all, I hope everyone isdoing well after our meeting, to bad quinn got a ticket thatg sucks but it does help with paying for the ypgrades on churchill square. Ok onto more serious stuff here; I called aquarium illusions yesterday and found out that dez and wayne were both fired from there jobs, I called Dez and explained to me what has happened, they were fired dues to coflict of intrests; Dez and Wayne both were wanting to make some extra bucks on the side by starting a small online business, and both talked to the owners of AI about it. Now the fact they were both fired wan't bad enough, the oweners of AI called all the local fish stores and asked them not to hire Dez and Wayne. I believe that Dez is the one that turned around AI, befroe Dez that stor was nothing more than what pjs is today. I will support Dez by boicotting AI, and I hope both Dez and Wayne find empoyment very soon, Good luck guys and thanks for all your help while at AI.
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Old 06-30-2003, 12:29 AM
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Default Re: Edmonton reefers

Holy CR*P!! Dez was the best person at AI. This sucks bad

Dez, if you have a chance, PM me and let me know how you're doing

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Old 06-30-2003, 04:03 AM
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I just got off the phone with him (Desmond) and found out the bad news. I don't live in edmonton and therefore don't shop there but he sure did make some great changes from when I was in there 1.5 year's ago up intill now. The store went from crap to great.

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Old 06-30-2003, 04:58 AM
Quinn Quinn is offline
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Highly dissapointing.

Personally I've thought for a while that part of the reason Dez doesn't post as much as he did had something to do with his employers.

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Old 06-30-2003, 06:15 AM
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Default bad news

This is certainly bad news. Personally, I thought Dez took great pains to not create any conflict of interest situations. He even told me to use his work email address instead of PM on this website.

I think AI has taken the short term view of things in this situation. If it was me I would investigate their proposal and become an investing partner. If the business plan was good it would only provide me one more revenue stream. There may be advanced aquariasts who would be ok purchasing online but there will always be the average person who wants to go to the LFS. I think AI let slip a great oppurtunity as well as motivated employees.

Now, if AI was the best in Edmonton / Alberta and they are still this "bad" what are we to do? If Dez starts working somewhere or does a business of his own I will support him. Otherwise, can I afford to boycott AI, if they are, relatively, the "best" in town?
Tahir the "advanced" newbie.
If there is such a thing.
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Old 06-30-2003, 08:05 AM
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That's sad to hear, even though I don't know Des and Wayne and I have never been or dealt with AI, I do understand this type of event-goodluck in future decisions

I have had this same type of thing happen to me twice in 6 years and it's a real #iss-off when it happens

What I have done in the past is follow my best judgement, if the guy's are great at providing knowledgeable service and education then follow them, as they will take there years of experience and great sevice some place else. If the store is doing what they feel is right then we as a consumer need to use our own opinions as to wether or not we will continue shopping there

Cheers and All The Best Des & Wayne
cheers, Rich

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Old 06-30-2003, 02:11 PM
jgoldsney jgoldsney is offline
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Well I for one don't think that I will be spending any more of my $$ at AI. I don't think that this was handled very well by the owners of AI and the fact that they phoned around is grounds for a defamation of character lawsuit.

I have always known Dez to be more than honest in his dealings, It is not like they were sneaking around behind AI's back it was an Idea for crying out loud!!! They were up front and honnest about it and told the managment what they were thinking. How much more could they do?

Ah well must calm down take a deep breath and visit JL's web site

Since AI won't be getting my business I have to spend my $$ somewhere lol


Best of luck to Dez
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Old 06-30-2003, 02:30 PM
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Well this is not a good thing for the fish community of Edmonton. I was in AI yesterday and did not see Dez there I just thought that he had the day off, I did not ask for him though. I don't know the full story but can with the info posted see how crappy it is for everyone. This is a busness but it is lives as well. Oh well I hope that AI does not go into the crapper but thankfully there is Big Als that is not bad and well AI has always had very high prices any way (on non-livestock).

Well guys I hope that all goes well for you and do please keep in touch!
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Old 06-30-2003, 02:36 PM
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Originally Posted by jgoldsney
Well I for one don't think that I will be spending any more of my $$ at AI.
I have mulled over this terrible situation last evening and this morning.

I have a paid-for fish in quarantine at AI that I'll be picking up next week and two special order fluorescent tubes on order that I intend to pick up when they're in.

Talking about not shopping at a given store is one thing. But doing so without informing the store owners of your reasons why your business is going elsewhere isn't going to do much good.

Next time I'm in the store, I intend to talk to the owners about the situation and express my shock and total dismay. I am known by my first name there and consider myself a loyal customer. If enough frequent customers stop by to speak their minds over the situation, there may be a chance for some positive change to occur. AI has a website, too, so intelligent comments to them by email should also get their attention.

Who knows? Dez and Wayne may even be reinstated, that is, if feelings and good will between all parties hasn't been irreparably damaged.

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Old 06-30-2003, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Beverly
If enough frequent customers stop by to speak their minds over the situation, there may be a chance for some positive change to occur.
I just spoke with Dez. He and Wayne are being sued on top of everything His suggestion was to keep my comments to myself because it won't do any good in this circumstance, and my words might make things worse for them over the lawsuit cr*p. All in all, though, Dez is very positive in his outlook and has no malice toward his former employer. He has a great heart and a wonderful spirit

However, I'm very upset over this. AI was my favourite lfs. I can't imagine where I will drop by to see what interesting animals I might put in my tanks from this moment forward I will certainly have to do some soul searching to find an solution to my pain and confusion.

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