Originally Posted by nazerine
1/2" would be fine for 21x21x21 with eurobrace. I would recommend buying new acrylic, because you don't want anything with hidden scratches, or if its bent from standing on end.. I would recommend weldon 4 and the 'pins and shims' method (thin wire 0.014" for 1/2). Get scraps for practice welding, and how long it takes to melt the acrylic for bubble free joints. Cellcast and extruded welding times differ with environment
I recommend reading the best thread on acrylic ever. Lots of good advice and pictures
Well 1/2" is going to be way too thin for my project. I actually have 1/2" laying around from a sump I built for a friend last year.
I have made 3 sumps now out of acrylic and feel I have decent experience. None leaked