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Old 03-23-2009, 06:10 AM
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Originally Posted by whatcaneyedo View Post
My message is: I support the idea but be careful about how the list is presented.
I agree 100%! The idea of this thread was to have a short, sweet list of the commonly available, and commonly lost fish so that it would be an easy, quick read in hopes that more people would take a look. For example, Bangaii Cardinals are nearly extinct in the wild and have a very large chance of becoming extinct in the near future, and I would bet 95% of aquarists have no idea at all. Another example would be Powder Blue Tangs. SUPER popular, but rather difficult to keep healthy, and SO many people have no clue.
~ Mindy

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Old 03-23-2009, 01:35 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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The list is a great idea. Alot of the stuff on it can be helpful. And hopefully we do take
some responibility. But my thought is none of us should really do this at all. From live
rock, live sand, corals, fish, even crabs and snails. It is very selfish to say the least but
here we all are. Stealing from the oceans and paying someone along the way to bring us
each what we want. Do we wait till things are endangered before we take a stand. Seems a little backwards to me. We all are guilty if you ask me.
We are not looking at the bigger picture here, there is no way to justify this and if we do
we are only fooling ourselves. On that note, happy reefing everyone. * Meow *
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Old 03-23-2009, 02:37 PM
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This list is a great idea. I for one will pledge NOT to purchase any of the species on the RED list.
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Old 03-23-2009, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Snaz View Post
This list is a great idea. I for one will pledge NOT to purchase any of the species on the RED list.
I would like to say the same but since I still don't believe in a complete ban of all these red list fish, I can't say I will. In fact I know if I ever found AEFW in my tank, I would be after the Nudibranchs that eat them in a heartbeat. I also have plans to try a Moorish Idol one day (especially since many of the recent ones coming into JL have been eating right away and I will buy it Zoas and sponges to eat). With regards to the Moorish Idol, I will only try one and if it doesn't work, I know better than to keep trying...I learned that lesson with Copperbands.

IMO the red list fish need to be more carefully brought into stores through special order but not banned completely unless they are endangered.

Originally Posted by Leah View Post
But my thought is none of us should really do this at all. From live
rock, live sand, corals, fish, even crabs and snails. It is very selfish to say the least but
here we all are.
As much as this hobby does its part to destroy the ocean, it is FAR from the leading reason the ocean is in decline. Stop the collection and destruction for this hobby and trust me, the oceans are still going to be disappearing/declining at an alarming rate. Doesn't mean we shouldn't do all we can to help but I find comment like this about how no one should be doing this hobby to be way too "PETA" for me and it drives me can you be so hypocritical? There is always a balance.

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 03-23-2009 at 03:41 PM.
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Old 03-23-2009, 03:52 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
I would like to say the same but since I still don't believe in a complete ban of all these red list fish, I can't say I will. In fact I know if I ever found AEFW in my tank, I would be after the Nudibranchs that eat them in a heartbeat. I also have plans to try a Moorish Idol one day (especially since many of the recent ones coming into JL have been eating right away and I will buy it Zoas and sponges to eat). With regards to the Moorish Idol, I will only try one and if it doesn't work, I know better than to keep trying...I learned that lesson with Copperbands.

IMO the red list fish need to be more carefully brought into stores through special order but not banned completely unless they are endangered.

As much as this hobby does its part to destroy the ocean, it is FAR from the leading reason the ocean is in decline. Stop the collection and destruction for this hobby and trust me, the oceans are still going to be disappearing/declining at an alarming rate. Doesn't mean we shouldn't do all we can to help but I find comment like this about how no one should be doing this hobby to be way too "PETA" for me and it drives me can you be so hypocritical? There is always a balance.
So it gives us the right to take it. You have missed the point here. Yes we all are hypocritical. How would you like to be put in a cage and kept by seacreatures?????
Not much I would guess.
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Old 03-23-2009, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Leah View Post
So it gives us the right to take it. You have missed the point here. Yes we all are hypocritical. How would you like to be put in a cage and kept by seacreatures?????
Not much I would guess.
Give me a break. I haven't missed any point. Your just a little extreme, thus the comparison to PETA. I suggest you find a new hobby if you feel this way.

I have had many conflicting thoughts about the hobby over the years and I agree that it can get very hypocritical but if you feel like no one should be doing it, then start yourself and give up your tank.

And no not everyone is hypocritical because not everyone feels the way you do.

I myself, just couldn't carry on doing something that I felt so strong against. I also would never come to an aquarium board and start saying no one should be keeping the animals they keep.

I think the idea of this list is GREAT. If its done right. There just can't be the extremes or it becomes ridiculous. As stated a bunch of times, it needs to be worded right. A list like this will never be more than a learning tool for people to make a choice. In the end, its not going to stop everyone from buying from the "red" list but hopefully it will make people think twice. Like I said earlier too, I think its important to give people other options along with the difficult to keep fish. Its more likely they won't buy the hard to keep fish if they see that there is something else they like that is similar but has a better survival rate. Just saying no to people doesn't work.

Last edited by GreenSpottedPuffer; 03-23-2009 at 06:31 PM.
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Old 03-23-2009, 06:38 PM
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I think you guys are getting a little worked up here, and totally missing the point of this thread. This is supposed to be a learning tool to help newbies (and more seasoned alike) make informed decisions about the fish they choose to put in their aquariums. The more people who can be informed, the better the chances are that some of these fish will not be imported as often as they are. It's a learning tool, not a be all end all.

Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer View Post
I think the idea of this list is GREAT. If its done right. There just can't be the extremes or it becomes ridiculous. As stated a bunch of times, it needs to be worded right. A list like this will never be more than a learning tool for people to make a choice. In the end, its not going to stop everyone from buying from the "red" list but hopefully it will make people think twice. Like I said earlier too, I think its important to give people other options along with the difficult to keep fish. Its more likely they won't buy the hard to keep fish if they see that there is something else they like that is similar but has a better survival rate. Just saying no to people doesn't work.
~ Mindy

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