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Old 03-16-2009, 07:04 PM
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How about the Solana? At 34g bigger than the JBL, comes with choice of t5, 150 hqi or even a 250w Sunpod. Cheaper than a hqi modded RSM too.

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Old 03-16-2009, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by VFX View Post
How about the Solana? At 34g bigger than the JBL, comes with choice of t5, 150 hqi or even a 250w Sunpod. Cheaper than a hqi modded RSM too.

I like the Solana myself but my wife is not too crazy about the appearance. The Solana is definately a different concept with the disco ball like MH pendant. I have also heard that the stock skimmer on the Solana is quite decent. Like karazy said earlier in this thread there really is no better tank overall as they each have their own pros and cons. Since we are putting this in our living room I am kind of leaning towards the RSM since my wife and I think it is the nicest looking and we probably will not be keeping SPS corals anyways.
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Old 03-16-2009, 07:30 PM
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I hear ya about the disco ball. You can always order one with the Sunpod instead. That way you could go for a 250w hqi.

The stand is rubbish though!

I agree that the RSM looks nicest though.
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Old 03-16-2009, 08:24 PM
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I have had my RSM for about a month.

1) I really like the look
2) So far the lights are fineI don't "Plan" to do much with sps but I would like a clam
3) I am having skimmer issues that that is being replaced in the upcoming week
4) I am already thinking about my next tank
5) My wife likes it and that is the most important thing see number 4

As a new person to the hobby I don't regret my buy and would buy one again but get the 130D version or move up to the 250.

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Old 09-20-2009, 08:01 PM
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JBJ - great lighting options which gives you more options for coral
RSM - Poor lighting options, not to many coral options
Solana - Tanks are beautiful, leaves more room for upgrades (Lights, hang on skimmer, hang-on refugium)
Cadlight - Simple design, you pick your lighting, stands are crap.

No matter what, stock skimmers that come with nanos just dont cut it. You will almost always have to replace and upgrade the stock skimmer.

Its just a matter of budget, taste in tank styles, and what you want to grow in your nano that will make your decision in which tank you want. They all have different pros and cons for each person, its just a matter of which one suits your needs and desires.
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Old 09-22-2009, 03:52 AM
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How are you finding the rsm for heating issues? I have had to turn my heater right of because it gets over 82 finally now I am about 77 to 78.I am running the fan as well and leave the skimmer hatch up for airfllow.
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Old 09-22-2009, 07:34 AM
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Originally Posted by fraggalrock View Post
How are you finding the rsm for heating issues? I have had to turn my heater right of because it gets over 82 finally now I am about 77 to 78.I am running the fan as well and leave the skimmer hatch up for airfllow.
Heaters only come on when needed so either the heater was not set correctly and was in fact was heating your tank above 80 or something else is raising the temp up and your incorrectly blaming the heater. Turning off the heater will only cause the temps to drop too far overnight or when the tank is at its coolest.

You should continue to use the heater and make sure it is working correctly by coming on and maintaining the temps when it drops below 78 or 77.
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Old 09-23-2009, 02:21 AM
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my personal feeling on ALL AIO is you get subpar everything for way too much money. JBJs quality is absolutely horrible, ive had a couple of there products and they remind me of Hyundia Tiberons, they are just flashy enough to attract enough people willing to part with there money, but when you look under the hood you see cheap ballasts, cheap glass, cheap plastic everywhere. Even the stands are overpriced garbage. RSM's not entirely sure, never had one, but im guessing they aren't that far off. Personally, if i was gonna spend a grand on a tank and wanted an AIO, i'd do some serious homework, and build it myself or get someone to. its not hard, it lets you pick ALL your equipment and you learn alot during the process.
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