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Old 03-08-2009, 09:40 PM
jalemboo jalemboo is offline
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Default JBJ HQI 28G VS Red sea max 34G

Just wondering which system is better JBJ or Red sea?
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Old 03-08-2009, 11:18 PM
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Originally Posted by jalemboo View Post
Just wondering which system is better JBJ or Red sea?
I'm tagging along on this as well as I am looking at both systems. The JBJ obviously has the better lighting with the HQI halide which would allow you to keep SPS corals and clams. Not sure how well the stock lighting on the Red Sea would work in these same applications. I am also curious which of these tanks comes with the best protein skimmer or do most people scrap the stock skimmer and go with something like a Tunze Nano skimmer.
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Old 03-09-2009, 02:10 AM
sitandwatch sitandwatch is offline
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I picked up a RSM about 3 weeks and its going well. If I would have been able to I would have picked up a RSM D model but its not available in Calgary at least I was not able to find one.

I have seen photos of SPS corals and clams in a RSM but don't know how well they really due with the standard lighting.

So far my skimmer has been working fine ,I have seen it get upgraded to a 9902 and I may do that down the road.

Just a note if you are going to pick one up in Calgary shop around I got my for $500 bucks less then what I saw at one store.
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Old 03-09-2009, 02:28 AM
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There really is no "better" tank overall, but depending on what you want out of the tank it might not be too hard of a decision.

Red sea max
-very aesthetically pleasing
-controls are very easy to use and very accessible
-larger than most AIO tanks
-comes with skimmer
-good for LPS and softy corals

-skimmer isn't the best quality
-can't keep most SPS
-colors other than black usually look quite dreadful

-Very intense light for keeping almost all corals
-very cool "S" shaped stand
-fits quite well in smaller spaces

-possible heat issues from light
-smaller than the MAX
- doesnt look as nice as the max
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Old 03-09-2009, 02:30 AM
jalemboo jalemboo is offline
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currently i have a jbj HQI 28G, but i like the look of red sea better, but then if i upgrade to a HQI red sea, it will cost me 450 or more. there is a posting here selling red sea for 500.
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Old 03-09-2009, 02:33 AM
jalemboo jalemboo is offline
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Originally Posted by sitandwatch View Post
I picked up a RSM about 3 weeks and its going well. If I would have been able to I would have picked up a RSM D model but its not available in Calgary at least I was not able to find one.

I have seen photos of SPS corals and clams in a RSM but don't know how well they really due with the standard lighting.

So far my skimmer has been working fine ,I have seen it get upgraded to a 9902 and I may do that down the road.

Just a note if you are going to pick one up in Calgary shop around I got my for $500 bucks less then what I saw at one store.
brand new??? does it come with stand?
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Old 03-09-2009, 02:41 AM
superg3 superg3 is offline
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I have a 3mth old JBJ 28g. I was in the same toss up. I liked the fact that the JBJ has better lighting. I keep a very happy clam and a couple sps that seem to be doin' well. However I really liked the size of the red sea max and the wires are much MUCH more neatly tucked away. I got my tank and stand for seven brown bills which was less than what I could get a RSM for. As far as the skimmer goes, I get about 1/2 a cup every week. Everything seems to be doing fine, so I won't be upgrading it. The only upgrade I'd like to add is some atinic lighting.

It's currenlty stocked with
xenia, 2x frogspawns, lots of zoa, 2x sps coral, 3 kinds of mushrooms, huge torch coral, and some candycane

Clam, cleaner shrimp, yellow & six line wrasse, pair of clowns, striped damsel, sea urchin, crabs and snails.
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Old 03-09-2009, 02:57 AM
mseepman mseepman is offline
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I still like the Cadlights tank better. I've seen Oscar's it's pretty sweet. The Signature 39 is a good size and it's lighting is MH & T5HO plus it has a built in fuge, uv light and cooler. Pricing isn't bad either. Not sure what it cost to get to Summerland but it couldn't have been too much as the JBJ and the RSM were both on Oscar's original list of options.

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Old 03-09-2009, 03:09 AM
likwid likwid is offline
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I had the same debate last year. I ended up going with the JBJ HQI NanoCube and have no regrets at all. I love the look of the tank, and the stand. I thought ugly plastic stand for the red sea max, really cheapened the appearance of it. I have had no problems with any types of algae and keep a lot of corals, including SPS, which are all thriving.
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Old 03-09-2009, 03:22 AM
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I have the JBJ 28Gallon and love it.

Because i also have a 300 gallon system, I gave into my wife and agreed to sell my JBJ. Mine also has chiller, UV, Canister Filter, better skimmer, and much more.

In Calgary, you will pay $800 for the tank system with Stand. I will give you everything, worth over $2500, for $1000

If you are interested, PM me, we can talk.

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