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Old 02-20-2009, 12:13 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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Default My new fish

Okay I need to vent a little. I ordered a fish it arrived poor, thing looks like
he!! He is a male square spot anthia. Should be bright and colorful he clearly
is not. When I phoned to express my anger (which I am not good at by the
way) They were like take a picture of him. Like what for? If I shipped this
fish to someone out of town I'd be doing it only to get rid of it as no one
would buy him other wise. I am a good customer and when people pull this
I really find it sad....Makes me really leary oh ya and frustrated. I really think
that they should have more sense. Doubt that I have much recourse as they
claim they will give credit ha at this point I have not seen any credit for
anything yet even when asked somehow it is always overlooked. GRRRRR!
I need to find someone new to order from, can anyone offer places in Vancouver who ship nice healthy stuff? Any suggestions on how I might try
to get him fattened and brighter. I could always take him out and color him,
te he! I do feel betterfor all the blubber. Oh and his name will be paleo.
Thanks guys now I can take the puppy pee.
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Old 02-20-2009, 02:45 PM
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a yellow watchman that we bought arrived to us green but after a week of feeding heavy he is already starting to yellow back up. there is always individual variation in colour/pattern but, at least in birds, it relates heavily to condition. thats the whole point. brilliant colour shows a potential mate that an animal is able to secure more resources than needed to simply survive but also to invest in these displays. a measure of fitness and a means for selection.

i dont know how fish work but with what we are seeing in our watchman maybe your fish will brighten up too in a happy home with lots of grub.
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Old 02-20-2009, 02:57 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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Well that's good to hear he's actually come out of hiding and I can have a better look
at him. His little head looks odd to me, wasn't the show speciman I was hoping for. I
hope that like your goby I will see some improvement. So much for ethic's on shipping.
cest la vie!
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Old 02-20-2009, 03:28 PM
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To be fair the stress of shipping can change a fish's colours. He might of had good colouring in the store.
Whenmy achilles tang arrived here he was very pale (almost yellow) and looked like some kind of gold rim hybrid

300g tank
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Old 02-20-2009, 03:30 PM
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post some pics when he starts getting a little more brave.
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Old 02-20-2009, 03:34 PM
High tide High tide is offline
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That's a burn!
In reality, your anthias will turn into a female and will be orange in a few months anyway. If you want to keep a male, you will need several females to guard. With square blocks you need a MASSIVE tank to achieve that. When you get credit, get another species.
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Old 02-20-2009, 04:36 PM
Leah Leah is offline
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Well maybe it is turning female, but I got a better look and the belly is sunken. The fish was
not in good condition when it left the store, for that I am 100% certain. The ironic thing
is that I also got a canary benny and was told he was scrawny so they'd give it to me
for half price. The poor little thing is doing amazing, he has made himself quite at home.
In reality they did not give him for half price when I asked they said oh yeah we did. Do
people always assume your dumb? If they had been up front I may have or may not have
taken him. It just bugs me when I have no say.
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Old 02-20-2009, 04:44 PM
High tide High tide is offline
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High tide is on a distinguished road

Some people have no scruples! Who did you get these from? People like that do not deserve to be in business!
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