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Old 02-12-2009, 03:21 PM
Whatigot Whatigot is offline
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I've never used one, and to tell you the truth, I have only experienced Ich in my younger days as a freshwater junkie.
But a UV light is essentially a tube with a strong UV light in it that has water flowing through it, exposing it to the UV light which in turn kills most bacteria (like Ich).
You'd run it full time, only having to replace the bulb every so often.

Maybe someone who has direct marine experience with a uv filter can give you better advice on it though.
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Old 02-14-2009, 05:12 AM
freddy freddy is offline
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Default copods

I guess one thing about not having any fish,I have an explosion of copods in my tank they are everywhere,which is a good thing.
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Old 02-14-2009, 02:13 PM
High tide High tide is offline
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After you have run your tank fallow for a while, try Bangaii Cardinals. Try and get your hands on some captive bred specimens and breed them yourself. Bangaii's are a great choice for a tank of that size because they have a limited territory in the wild. They are also under great pressure from the hobby and will be extinct soon if we, as hobbyists, continue to buy wild caught Bangaii's. Breed Bagaii's and trade/sell them to other hobbyists on CR and at your LFS!
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Old 02-14-2009, 02:23 PM
freddy freddy is offline
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Default intersting

I think that would be an interesting tank,I don't want anything to aggresive and don't want anything that will out grow my tank,I did read that their brooding habits are like chilids which I used to have years ago,definetley do some thinking and research on them.thks
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Old 02-14-2009, 03:15 PM
High tide High tide is offline
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High tide is on a distinguished road

Yeah, their breeding habits are awesome, mouthbrooders like many African cichlids! I have been interested for a while but I think I have too many tanks going right now. I would like to set up a tank for them in the future. They're beautiful and interesting, and if our hobby leads to their extinction....some rules will change and they won't be in our favor! Good luck with your quest, maybe some day we can trade brood stock!
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Old 02-14-2009, 03:43 PM
freddy freddy is offline
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I think I'm going to do that,there seems to be a few types of cardinals,which one's to choose.I tell you it's hard watching my tank without any fish,4 weeks to go.I think my tank looks not bad,colti's splitting all the time,kenya tree,mushrooms,greenstar polyps,bubble coral.leathers,squamosa clam,but it just dosen't look right without anything swimming around.
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